Weekly [3/5]

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He lay in his bed, eyes staring at the ceiling blankly, thoughts running through his mind.

When she used to sleep beside him on this bed, curled up slightly, head leaned on his chest. When he could just wrap his arms around her and sleep, without missing probably 9 hours a week thinking about her.

Not like he didn't when she was there, but now...

But now he just couldn't get her off his mind.

When she wasn't there physically, just the memories of the times they had spent together.

He turned on his side and placed his hand, where she used to lay, smiling at him, humming a song. He wanted to hear them again, not try desperately to remember what they sounded like every night.

"Another one? I'm not that good, ha ha!"

Her happy smile flashed through his mind, and a dry chuckle escaped escaped his lips. Flopping onto his back once more, he stared blankly at the ceiling. "...I haven't had a rice cracker today," he spoke to no one, his voice echoing back to him from the walls. " 'You proud of me? I managed it, it was hard though," he added, smiling towards the end.

Again, he was only met with silence.

He sighed, rolling onto his side again and closed his eyes, his hand resting on the vacant side of the bed.

"...Good night..."

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