Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


I'm clearly aware of the pain all over my body. My arm is throbbing and the pain is like a cannon firing through. I want to go back to being unconscious. I couldn't feel anything.

I decide to open eyes and face the arena and the uncertainties that it brings. I realize that I'm in a warm sleeping bag and I look for Talon. He's not next to me, but he's leaning back on the wall.

I wish he were awake. I want to see him and talk to him. I want him to comfort me because--the truth is--I'm scared. I don't know why, I just have fear set in my mind.

I go to sit up and shriek. I start to cry. I didn't realize how sore I am.

My breathing is coming out sharp and shallow. It's agonizing to breathe. The motion of my ribs rising and falling hurts beyond words.

"Talon—" I whimper. The desperation in my voice makes it barely audible.

Talon doesn't move in the slightest bit. I try again. I can't stay awake alone, yet I can't fall back to sleep.

"Tal—" I can't finish saying his name. I feel so restricted. I start sobbing even more.


I don't answer. I can't.


I can't keep myself from crying, no matter how much it hurts. I feel like I'm going to be sick from everything. From pain, fear, crying, and who knows what else.

Talon finally makes his way towards me. The concern is clear on his face. He kneels down next me.

"Hey, do you need something?" he asks sweetly.

"I... can't breathe. My ribs..." That's all I'm able to force out of my mouth without screaming in agony. My face breaks in beads of sweat.

"You're losing color again," he expresses as he wipes my face with his shirt.

He walks over to the backpack that he must have taken off of my back and pulls out multiple supplies.

"What's that?" I whisper.

"Medicine, it should help ebb the pain."

Great, more medicine. I have taken so much medicine in the arena, why stop the trend now?

"You're going to have to sit up some."

"No. You don't understand—" I have to stop talking before the pain knocks me out again.

I want to start crying. I'm in so much pain and I can't breathe. It's the worst feeling to be constantly short of breath.

"Althaea, please. Let me try to prop you up some. You need to take these."

I agree to it and he slowly and gently sits me up, keeping his hand on my back for support. He gives me both of the medicines and I instantly feel tired. I want to sleep, but I want to be awake with Talon.

"Let me look at your arm."

He carries me over toward the wall of the small ledge and leans me against it as he checks over my arm. It's at least three times the size that it should be, but it's not my entire arm. It's only swollen at my wrist, elbow, and near my shoulder.

"We need to get this into a sling or something." He declares, unzipping his jacket.

"What are you doing?"

"I told you that you need a sling or something."

He takes his jacket off and starts to pull his shirt over his head. As he does, he explains what he's going to do.

"Okay, I will just be honest with you. What I'm going to do is more than likely going to hurt. I'm going to have to bend your arm."

His shirt is entirely off and he's walking toward me.

"No, Talon. Please."

He sits me up again and starts stretching his shirt out. I want to scream. This is going to hurt more than words can describe.

He grabs my arm loosely and the pain is already spreading through my whole body. He lifts it and my stomach starts churning. It gets worse as the moments drag on.

I feel like I'm going to vomit, which is strange since I haven't eaten in a while.

Talon bends my arm to put it in the sling and I feel myself losing my consciousness. My face starts sweating even more than it had earlier. Tears begin to streak my face. I feel shaky and I can't talk.

"Talon, please stop." My words are slurring together. "I'm going to pass out."

"I'm sorry Althaea. I should've listened to you." He still has my arm. "But your arm is already bent. I'm going to sling it now."

When he puts my arm into the sling the pain hits me full force again. I start to cry. I hate this and wish he would've listened to me.

Talon carefully puts my arm down and rubs my back. I feel so overheated, but yet I'm shivering.

"Stop crying, you're going to make it worse."

I finally calm down and Talon kneels down beside me again and unzips my jacket. I don't move for fear of getting sick. When my jacket is off he gets his and wraps it around me. I lean my head back on the wall and close my eyes.

I must have gotten up late because I can feel the sun going down and the temperature drop.

"Are you feeling okay?" Talon questions amiably.

"No." I barely whisper.

I can feel his hand touch my forehead. Either his hands are really cold, or my face is really warm. I'm going to go with the latter.

He gingerly lifts me to his lap and holds me. He brushes his lips across my face, humming simple tunes.

I know he's trying hard to soothe me, but it's not working. I'm still in so much pain. That's why I haven't opened my eyes. Talon would be able to see the pain in my eyes and I don't want him to.

"I love you Althaea," he whispers in my ear. As far as I know, that's all he says before I eventually fall asleep.

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