chapter 2

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Farkle's P.O.V

1 hour later

As he got off the subway, Farkle looked down at the pencil sharpener. He immediately started to regret what he was gonna do to himself. But he knew it was the right choice.

30 mins later

As farkle entered his house he grabbed the screwdriver that was in the drawer of "lab stuff." *SLAM* farkle shut his door and locked it, making sure nobody got in. As he sat down on his bed, he remebered he had to close the train entryway and exitway.So he did. Total privacy. He opened the sharpener package. Immediately regretting his desicions he unscrewed the screw on the sharpener. Removing the blade, he tossed the rest away. He balled his fist as the blade cut deeply into his skin. He then felt the blood start to drop down his wrist. It felt good. He also cut very deeply into his thigh. That night he cried himself to sleep.

The next day

*BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!!*
Farkle awoke to the sound of his alarm clock blaring in his face. Waking up, he took a shower. As he turned the water on, it burned his cuts. He didn't mind this. He started to wear his turtlenecks and jeans again regularly.(He had just gotten past his Donnie Barnes stage) For they showed little of what damage happened the previous night.
_____________________________ This happened every day for a month. Cut.cry.shower. Cut.cry.shower. Cut.cry.shower. He eventually ran out of room on his body. And when this happened, he would cut the previous cuts deeper.

1 month later

Riley eventually saw one say how sad I've been getting. "Daddy, sorry but, farkle and me need to talk real quick. Be right back!" This beautiful ray of sunshine was catching on....I didn't know what to do.
"What is it Riley?" I said trying not to blow my cover. "I swear if my suspicion is true..." She muttered to herself. "Farkle lift up your sleeve. Right now." " Why?" She then glared at me for a minute or so. "Fine. But you can't tell anyone...".............

Riarkle- Love, Pain, and BullyingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora