[fourteen - skipping class]

Start from the beginning

"Grayson, my mom! She's going to kill me! I can't do this," I run my hands through my hair and suddenly find it hard to breathe.

"You're the one who wanted to do this! Come on!"

I debate whether or not to continue following Grayson. If I go, I can help him find Ethan, but get in serious trouble if my mom finds out. If I don't go, I'll just get in a little trouble for being late to class and hope that Ethan shows up or something.

I literally step back and forth between Grayson and the school building, trying to decide what to do.

"Jessica, we have to go before someone sees us!" Grayson continues to shout at me.

I close my eyes shut for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts. My heart completely stops when I hear the noise of the side door of the school opening behind me. I am too afraid to turn around.

Grayson's expression is all I need to see to know that we've been caught.

"Hey, you two! Get back in here, right now!" I recognize the voice as the principal of Clearview High School.

Without thinking, my legs move before my mind can tell them not to. I am surprised when I find myself running towards Grayson.

"Shit!" Grayson shouts as we both take off towards his car.

I glance back quickly to see the principal making an effort to run over to us, but he's too far behind. My heart is beating out of my chest and I hadn't even realized that I was smiling from ear to ear.

Grayson and I jump into his car and he fumbles the keys for a second before finally starting the car and taking off. I almost scream again when we pull out of the school parking lot. I look back to see the principal throwing one of his fists into the air in defeat. I lean back into the passenger seat and try to catch my breath, but find the task impossible. I cannot believe what just happened.

"Oh my God! We're skipping class!" I yell at Grayson, who flinches from my loud voice.

"I can't believe this, we're, we're... skipping class!" I yell even louder.

Grayson laughs uncontrollably in the seat next to me. I think at this point my heart is beating out of my chest.

"I can't believe you've never skipped before," Grayson says to me, fighting back his chuckles.

"I've never had a reason to, I guess." I shrug.

"Well, at least some good came out of Ethan running off."

"Skipping class isn't necessarily good," I laugh.

Grayson looks over to me for a second before returning his eyes to the road.

"Do you feel your heartbeat right now? Don't you feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins? Don't you feel alive?"

"Yes, definitely." I giggle.

He smiles.

"Then some good did come out of it."

I take a second to ponder over his words. The only other time I have felt anything close to the adrenaline I am feeling now is the other night when Ethan randomly picked me up and we kissed in a parking lot at almost three in the morning.

I miss him.

"Well, now that we successfully left school, let's find Ethan."

"We should run home first, and make sure my mom is okay and ask where she's already looked so we know what has been covered."

"Good idea."


Grayson and I walk up to the front door and barge into his house. The first thing we see is Anne sitting on the living room couch, head in between her hands. She looks... vanquished.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Anne shoots up from the couch and attempts to smile at the two of us. I admire her strength, it's a beautiful quality of hers that always seems to shine.

"Oh, Grayson, I told you not to miss school today."

Grayson rushes over to hug Anne.

"I know, I'm sorry. Jessica and I really wanted to come help, I hope you aren't mad."

Anne's face lights up when she makes eye contact with me. I embrace her and hug her tightly, missing her familiar warmth.

"Oh, how could I be mad at you two. I just hope you won't get in trouble or anything for missing school,"

"We won't." Grayson lies.

"Okay, we still haven't checked the library, but I don't think he would be there..." A tall man enters the room from the kitchen, pacing over towards Anne.

His eyes dart up to see Grayson and I, and a smile covers his face.

"Jessica, this is my boyfriend, Robert!" Anne's face lights up even more as she introduces me to the man who has seemed to cause some problems in this family.

He is very handsome. He has bright blue eyes, and really dark brown hair, almost black. His smile is very welcoming, and he has a firm grip as I reach out and shake his hand. I can see why Anne is attracted to him.

"It's nice to meet you, Jessica."

"You too."

He then says hi to Grayson, whom he's met previously, before shifting over to stand by Anne. She smirks at him and I fight back a smile.

They're cute together, but all I can seem to focus on is the fact that this is what has caused Ethan to run off. Why can't he just give Robert a chance? He seems like a very nice guy.

"Well, we've checked basically the entire town. Maybe we should just wait until he comes back, he usually always does within a couple days," Anne suggests.

Grayson and I sigh in unison.

"I just worry about him so much," Anne looks down at the ground, and Robert places his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Wait, there's only one place I can think of that he might be at," Grayson scratches the back of his neck and huffs.

Anne furrows her eyebrows.

"Jessica, let's go. Mom, we'll be back soon, just please try to calm down and not worry."

I hurriedly wave to Anne and rush out the door behind Grayson.


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