Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-

       After I showered, I towel dried my long brown hair and put it up into a temporary bun. What does one wear for an R5 concert? I knew nothing about the band... let alonde what to wear to one of their concerts. I decided just to go all out and dress as best as I could. I put on a new black shirt that I had recently recieved from my cousin for my birthday, and overlayed it with a yellow skirt from Forever 21. I looked at the time. 1:30. Had I really spent two whole hours in the shower?! I laughed quietly at myself and then headed into the bathroom, quickly plugging in my curling wand. Then I opened the top drawer and got out my makeup bag, contemplating about what kind of makeup to wear. I went back into my bedroom and logged onto my laptop. Maybe Michelle knew. I logged into my email and sent her a message, which she responded to amzingly fast.

       MaddieBear16- Hey, I need help. Since ur dragging me to this concert, i need to know what kind of makeup to wear. Answer back ASAP.

       MonkeyMichelle69- Ok ok calm ur face. What outfit are you wearing?

       MaddieBear16- Idk? My black shirt and a yellow skirt?

       MonkeyMichelle69- Very descriptive Mads. *Sarcasm* Send a pic

       I looked around my room and quickly found my old cellphone that didn't have service, opened the camera up, and went over to my full body mirror. I snapped a picture and used wifi to send it to Michelle's email.

       MaddieBear16-  Picture Message

       MonkeyMichelle69- Ooo I luv that outfit. Okay do something natural. Like a smokey eye or something. dont go too heavy on the makeup. keep it simple. gtg, b there in a couple of hours. xoxo.

       I re-entered my bathroom and got to work. When I finsished it looked like a work of art. I don't think I had ever spent as much time on my makeup as I did today. I admired my eyes for a few minutes and then went back to my room to check the tme. 2:03. That meant that I had spent a whole hour on my makeup and that I only had an hour to do my hair... awesome. Just eough time. I hurried into my bathroom for the last time and used the hot wand to curl my hair. I examined myself and decided that the curls were too tight for my outfit and makeup. I took a comb and carefully brushed the long, brown curls, turnng them into loose beachy waves. Perfect. I unplugged the iron and put it away, and then cleaned up my makeup in a rush. Before I could go back into my room to check the time, there was a loud knock at the door. "Madddiiieeeee!!!!!" The voice behind the door said, It's time for you to meet the band you will soon fangirl about!" I rolled my eyes, found my black bag, slipped into my combat boots, and opened the door to greet a grinning Michelle.

       "OHMYGOSH, MADDIE. YOU LOOK GORGEOUS!" She said, her jaw dropping. I giggled and pulled her by the wrist.

       "Come on, Punkin. Let's get this over with," I said, dragging her to her car. Her mom smiled and waved as we got in.
       "Hiya, Maddie! Are you girls excited for this concert? I hear it's sold out," her mom said, trying to make conversation. I smiled politely and nodded. I don't know what it was, but I was always shy around Michelle's mom. Michelle always gave me hell for it. Her mom was pretty nie and outgoing. I just was a generally shy person. Her mom pulled out from the driveway and headed down the road. The sun shone through the window, making the car comfortably warm. I closed my eyes for a few minutes to admire the sun... but instead I must have drifted off to sleep.
       "Hey Maddie," I heard. I was on the beach, which was deserted, with wind wisping through my hair and the waves crashing at my feet. I was wearing a long, flowy white dress. I turned around and my Dream Boy as there with a cheeky grin. I smiled and ran to hug him. He hugged me back and kissed my cheek. "Are you excited?" he asked. I frowned.

       "For what?" I asked, playing with a stray string on his yellow Hollister shirt.

       "For the concert," he said, still smiling. Why would he care if I was excited for the concert?
       "Eh.. not really. I mean, it'll be fun, but I'm not freaking out about it," I said, suddenly curious.He closed his eyes and chuckled softly.

       "Well, I'm excited. I can tell you that much right now," he said, winking. Wait... why was he excited for a concert? It was a dream... maybe my subconscience was telling me to be excited. Before I had the chance to ask why he was, though, the colors quickly washed away and I felt tapping on my shoulder.
     "Maddie! Wake up! We're here!" I heard Michelle say. I quickly opened my eyes and looked outside. There was a long line of jittery girls, some holding signs, some just talking amongst themselves. I stretched my arms and asked, "Is my makeup smeared or anything?" Michelle giggled and shook her head.

       "You look perfect, Maddie. See look, even girls are staring," she replied, and she was right. A group of girls, about fifteen or twenty teenagers, stared at me with smiles from their sopt in line. I was geting weirded out. I opened the car door and went to Michelle's side on the sidewalk as her mom drove away. The sun was starting to set, and the air was somewhat warm. A few of the girls went up to us from the line and shook my hand excitedly.

       "Hi! I'm Sarah, she's Tanya, she's Kara, and she's Caitlyn," she said. I smiled and waved.

       "I'm Maddie, and that's Michelle," I said, putting my arm around Michelle's shoulders. The girls giggled to themselves and the one named Caitlyn said,

       "We just wanted to tell you that you're SUPER pretty and we are so happy that you're a part of the R5 family!" I gave her a confused look. R5 family? Must be some kind of band thing.

      "Well, thank you," I said, giving them a smile. "Uh... we have V.I.P. Do any of you know where that's at?" I asked. The whole rest of the line looked at me with jealousy and the four girls nodded and pointed to a double door next to the end of the line. I smiled again and thanked her, and Michelle dragged me over to the doors.

       "Ready?" she asked nervously. Judging by her tone I figured I was probably more ready than her. I laughed and nodded, and we both just stood there for a few more seconds. I didn't know why I felt so excited and nervous... maybe because of what Dream Boy said. 'It's just a dream, silly,' I thought to myself. Then I took a deep breath and slowly walked into the double doors with Michelle by my side.

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