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It was getting late and everyone was either drunk, ate to much, or just plain tired. I for one was plain tired untill....


After me and Ace had a talk WhiteBeard came up to me. " Hello my daughter. How are you enjoying the party?" He said looking down at me. " It's perfect. But alot of perverted guys..." I say pointing to Marco and a few others. " That's men for ya" he said taking a swig of with sake. " Well I best be going. Good night have sweet dreams!" He said walking to his room. "Night!" I say in response. " Hey (n), wanna do a drink off? Who ever drinks the most sake wins!" Said a already drunk Marco. " Your on!" I say grabbing a barrel of sake.

Everyone was now surrounding us as we chugged sake. I was on my 10th and Marco on his 7th. Everything was getting pretty hazy and Marco gave up and passed out. " ha! Pineapple head *hiccup* couldn't even *hiccup* get on his 8th!" I said grabbing another barrel. Then darkness over came me.

Ace's prov!

I watched as (n) had a drink off with Marco. And man could she drink! She had 11 barrels of sake down at this point but she passed out. Sighing I walked over to her and picked her up and flung her over my shoulder. She was mumbling stuff at random untill I heard her say ' Ace's abs are so hot....*hiccup* and so is his....' she kinda drifted off at that point. My face began to turn red and I walked faster to 'our' room. I threw her to the bed and grabbed extra pillows and blankets to sleep on the floor until (n) said 'nooo....Ace stay with me' she mumbled in her sleep. Sighing I flung my self down next to her and pulled the covers up. I turned my back twords her but.....she wrapped her tiny arms around me waste and snuggled into me. Hey I'm not complaining it felt nice to be cuddled by a hot girl lik- WHAT AM I THINKING! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! My mind screamed but then soon drifted off to sleep.

She's to close for comfort....

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