chapter 3: new crew mate and dance off

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I woke up feeling so hungry and thirsty. I could barley speak. 'i hate talking anyways' I thought. " I see your awake. What were you doing in the middle of the ocean with nothing?" Asked a husky voice. I lifted myself up to see a guy with no shirt, Black shorts, and a orange hat. "I.." was all I could get out before coughing. " Here's some water." He said while handing me water. I quickly took it and chugged it down. " Geez how long has I been since u had water?" He ask with a shocked expression. " Forever" was all I said before my stomach growled for food. That's when I smelt meat. " FOOD! *sniff* wait....MEEAAAATTTT!!!!" was all I said before shoving the man behind me and running to the kitchen. I followed the scent.

I ran through the door and pushed everyone so I could get aton of food. Everyone had either a glare or a scared expression. I roared in my demon tone and made people cower before grabbing all of the meat and started shoving food down my throat. Everyone was shocked. The one most shocked was a tall man with a weird mustache. " So much better!" I said before laying on my back. People snapped back to reality and got swords and pointed them at me. I noticed this but before I could turn into a demon the tall dude said " hello miss. We found you on a boat passed out. Why is that?" He asked. " It's rude to ask questions without knowing names ya know" I said with a toothy smile on my face. " Yes it is. I'm White Beard. The ones who saved you were Marco and Ace." He said. My eyes widen with stars in them. I had seen their wanted posters around. Mostly Ace's. " What's your name?" WhiteBeard asked. " It's (n). (N) (l/n) at your service!" I said while bowing. " Now why were you passed out on a boat in the middle is the ocean?" WhiteBeard asked again. "Huh? Oh I was on my journey to become a pirate!" I spoke with pride. " Oh really? How would you like to become my daughter and join the WhiteBeard Pirates?" He asked. My eyes grew wide. "REALLY! YAAAASSS" I chanted over and over again while running over to WhiteBeard and LITERALLY picking him up off his feet while giving him a death hug. everyone had eyes so wide they were practically out of their sockets. And their mouths were to the floor. "Huh? Did u do something wrong!?" I asked frantically" no it's just one was ever able to pick him up....since he's tall and heavy!" " Ooohh. Shishishishi! I'm just very strong!" I said with a toothy smile again. " Well let us celebrate for my new daughter and your companion!" WhiteBeard said while getting a barrel of sake and laying it out. " YAAAAA!!!" All of them screamed. Then the strange man from earlier came running in like he was out of breath. " T-there.....y-you are!" He ran over to me and tackled me. But in his mistake I was stronger so when he did all I did was pick him up by his foot and let him dangle there. " OI PUT ME DOWN!" he demanded " if you insist" then I dropped him on his head. Everyone laughed but Ace. " Ace she is my new daughter. She won't do any harm. WhiteBeard said while messing up Ace's hair. " Plus we are celebrating it! So go have fun!" He said while shoving me and him out the door. Everyone already had sake, beer, or wine in their hands. They also had a little music station set up. Since I loved to dance I basically zoomed passed people and started to dance.

Lil time skip

Everyone was watching me dance. And they were cheering me on. Then Ace came to see what's going on. " Oi the hell's going on?" He said while looking at me obviously not hearing him. " She's the best dancer out of all of us!" Marco said while his hand is on one of Ace's shoulders. " You are good too! Challenge her to a dance off!!!!" Everyone shouted. " Alright alright!" I walked twords (n) " hey wanna dance off to see who's better. Because your not all that good ya know" Ace said while cracking his knuckles. " Is that so? Also I never got your name?" She said. " Ace. Portgas D. Ace" she smirked " well Ace. Your going to need a doctor for all the burns you'll get from losing to a girl later" I said walking closer to him. " Heh bring it!" He said while getting ready to dance. " You first since your so sure of yourself hot shot" I said to Ace. " Alright!" He said while I stepped to the side to watch.

Start video and watch it.

After you watch this one I will make another chapter Being your dance off part! But there will be another person in it but think there is only one MMD ok?

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