chapter 13 - party time and jealousy

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Pacifica's POV
I found the perfect dress it was beautiful and I knew know one would wear the same thing it was(the picture above) a beautiful dress I put on make up I curled my hair I put on white strap shoes and I got my wallet and phone and I went off

Time skip

My posse was there I got out and when we got in all the boys were looking at us mostly me (all the boys there age) but she didn't see Dipper "were going to get some punch" said Amanda said and they both left but of course when they got there they talked to boys then I just looked up the stairs and all of the girls looked at him the one and only Dipper Pines he was wearing a navy blue flannel no hat black jeans and some black hightops he had a hot melting smile and all the girls melted and he winked at me I blushed so hard I looked like a tomato (again all the girls his age) my posse came up to me "omg who is he is hella hot " she said drooling over him "I want him as my boyfriend " my other friend said and chased after him I rolled my eyes Dipper waved at me I waved back and smiled then I saw Mabel and her friends Mabel looked sad this was it I had to end my rivalry

Dipper's POV
To much girls were chasing me I went to find Mabel this is getting all out of hand then I saw Pacifica walk up to Mabel hmm what is going to happen now

Pacifica's POV
I went by Mabel "hey Mabel " I said sweetly "wait Pacifica aren't you gonna humiliate me?" Mabel asked "no I came here to end our rivalry and become best friends" I said and a small smile came on my face "really Pacifica " Mabel asked "yes I know if-" I was cut if by Mabel hugging me "I knew there was good in you and did I mention your dress looks so good" Mabel complimented"thanks Mabel "I said and smiled " I can't believe I'm besties with you I can't wait we can have sleepovers and everything and ohh we can make sweaters and and-" Mabel was cut of by Dipper "Mabel don't overwhelm her geez" Dipper said and playfully punched Mabel and she playfully punched back "shut up " Mabel said "so you guys settled your rivalry huh?" Dipper asked "yup" Mabel piped "well that's awesome " Dipper said "yeah Dipper how did you know huh" I asked "well I wanted to come over here and I heard you guys and pluse she's my sister duh " Dipper said and blushed when I smiled "huh makes sense" and I blushed

Mabel's POV
Ohh I smell the scent of love ohh I got some work of MATCH MAKING !!! I scream in my head I can't wait this ones interesting

Candy's POV
Ugh I can't believe Dipper likes Pacifica instead of me I'm mean were meant to be together I have to do something

Ohhh Candy you cray cray for Dipper geez but sorry to late Pacifica got him so get over it but any way comment and vote and add some suggestions for another story

Dipper me and Pacifica : comment and vote!:)

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