Chapter 1: Beginning

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1 month into the school year
(This is me^)

"Need any help sis?" Tess shouted up the stairs to me.
"No thanks. I got it," I replied back to her.
Ugh. Homework. I'd rather be sleeping than this.
School is tough, you know. Homework. Boys. Drama. Homework. Sports. HOMEWORK EVERY DAY. You understand don't you?
But anyways, my name is Skyler. My friends call me Sky and I'm a normal sixteen-going-on-seventeen year old girl. Simple. I have two best friends, Allison and Aubrey, who have been there since kindergarten. I'm in sports like school Volleyball, Gymnastics since I was 5, and I go to a dance studio here in town with the both of them since I was 7.
I'm 16 years old and I have light, caramel hair and natural blonde highlights. I do have pink on my ends from dying them a while ago but it is slowly fading away. I also have hazel, but mostly brown, eyes. My 21 year old sister, Tess, has a dark chestnut color hair and has dark, chocolate brown eyes. My other 18 year old sister, Peyton, has the same dark brown hair with the prettiest blue eyes. She has freckles across her nose and is shorter than me, even if she is older.
My 15 year old brother, Heath, on the other hand, has blonde hair, unlike the rest of us, and crystal blue eyes, almost like Peyton's. Our mom has brown hair and hazel eyes just like mine and our dad has the same blonde hair and blue eyes as Heath.
Tess is in track at our high school and is good at it for sure. She wins at least 2nd or higher at almost every meet she goes to. She is also into fashion and a little acting, but mainly fashion and always wanted to be a model one day. I knew she could do since she's leaving this summer for her first modeling gig in LA.
Peyton is a dancer like me but has been doing it longer. She is on her last year at our studio and has to leave for college this summer. She taught me everything I know about dance because she did every class that was available for her. I get along with all 3 of my siblings but I mainly get along with Peyton the most since we have a lot more in common.
And Heath was in the basic football and baseball. He really likes them since our parents always signed us up at an early age to know what we wanted as we got older. And he's always been drawn to those two and have been doing them both since he was back in elementary school.
Let me tell you something. In almost every book, the person says they're not pretty but they always are and have been beautiful. But me, I don't think I'm beautiful at all. My parents have implanted that inside my head. If you couldn't already guess by that sentence, yes, my parents are alcoholics. They always have been.
They've spent time in jail before which is one of the reasons why I'm not popular. People don't want to get too close because I could follow in their footsteps and maybe get them in trouble. I have lived with my grandparents and both my best friends at times while they were in jail.
I was born with a skin condition called eczema which I get on my cheeks and arms. It's bright red and bumpy, no matter how much lotions, creams, or prescriptions the doctors have given me. It never goes away. I put makeup on wherever I go, even if I just have to go grab the mail.
My mother once told me when she was drunk,
"You are ugly. Your makeup shows just as much as your skin. Don't even try telling yourself you're beautiful. I can't even look at you without wanting to run away. I can't believe you're my daughter,"
I cried so much that night. I grabbed a duffle bag out of my closet and was packing my stuff up when my father was beating on my locked door, yelling,
"Come out here now!" "Don't be such a baby!" "Get your ass out here before I break down this door!"
I packed even quicker before I put on my high tops and grabbed a jacket with my phone and jumped out my window. My dad busted down the door right when I scrambled out of my room. I threw my bag on my shoulders and I ran. It was cold at night at that time of year but I pushed through it. I didn't look back.
My friends were always there for me. Allison and Aubrey.
Allison has blonde wavy hair and hazel eyes. She's shorter than me: I'm 5'5" and she's 5'0". She is on the volleyball and basketball team at school and is good at it too, even if she is the shortest one on the team. Her favorite sport is dance and she has been doing it longer than I have and she does everything like what my sister did.
Aubrey has brown hair with brown eyes and is 5'8". She's always been taller than me but you've always got that one friend. She's on the basketball team with Allison and she's really smart. She may not look like it but she's always been very smart. She was my tutor at one time.
After that one night, I went home after a while and they were mad that I left but forgave me before they got shit faced drunk the next night.
But let's not get sad again. I don't need everyone to all feel sympathetic for me and my siblings. We've gone through this our whole lives. I don't want people to feel bad for us.
But now that I'm done with explaining, let's get on with the day: homework. That's all.

Welcome to my new book! I'm very excited for it to finally have it's first chapter! Even if it wasn't the best....but it will get better I promise! I've been perfecting and planning this story for the longest time and I'm hoping it all pays off. So I just want to say thanks so much for reading and giving this book a chance. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the many more drama filled ones to come😈
Let it begin....

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