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All names are changed by the way. I don't want someone I know finding this and getting mad at me. Although, let's be real, no one cares enough to figure out I have a Wattpad, then find my Wattpad, then read my story to even be mad. And, once you read my story you'll soon realize I actually have no friends. But still- i feel bad talking about people with their real names.

Just so you know, I'm pretty negative, and sarcastic. Not a lot bothers me, and I really don't care about that much. I don't care about that many people. And even though I sound like a cold hearted bitch, I'd like to think I'm decent. Or at least mediocre. A lot of people tell me they love me so that has to count for something.

I think it'd be cool to have people read this, and enjoy this, but it probably will not happen as my life is very boring. My life is comparable to watching paint dry, and a train derail. Not at the same time, first you watch paint dry and then you watch a train derails- it's boring and a sad mess. But hey, it'd be great if someone other than myself read this.

I don't have much else to say, I'm sorry if this saddens you as my life is pretty sad. And I'm sorry if I don't update a lot, not a lot happens in my life. But, I'll try to update like once or twice a week.

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