.....well, look who woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Shut up. I followed Steve through the town. As we got closer to the center, more and more people noticed me up and walking. After about ten minutes, we made it to the mayor's office and we entered. "Sir, I have some good news." Steve said.

The Mayor was staring at some papers on his desk, he didn't look up at us. "Not now Steve. I'm busy" He mumbled.

"But sir," Steve protested.

"I said NOT NOW!" He shouted not taking his eyes off his work.

"Come on Steve, you can tell him later. Let him get back to work." Steve looked at me and sighed. We were about to walke out as the mayor spoak.

"Brine? Is that really you?"

I turned and faced him. "In the flesh."

He looked between Steve and I for awhile. "I thought you were dead!"

"Well, I'm not."

"I can see that. You finally woke up! Oh Autumn will be pleased indeed. She been training hard for the past two weeks. I think she's on the grounds, but first," He stood and walked out the door. "I think the town would like some good news for once." I smiled and we followed the mayor outside. He rang the bell twice to signal a town meeting. After a few minutes, almost the whole town was formed around the mayor. "People of our great town! I have some good news after two long weeks! One of our mighty protectors has finally awoken!" Cheers and smiles spread throughout the people. Soon they were all chanting my name. The mayor turned to me. "Hero, can you tell me what happened?" Everyone went quiet and watched me.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry Sir, but my memory is a bit blurry." I lied.

He smiled. "Very well. Meeting dismissed."

The townsfolk went back to what they were doing, with a bit more joy than before. I smiled and Steve and I went to the training grounds. "Autumn is a great swordsman. She's been working on using a bow, and I'm sure she'd be glad to show you everything she's been working on."

I rubbed my eyes and nodded. "Can't wait to see how much she's improved." As we got closer I saw John swinging his blade and hitting one of the training dummies.

Autumn was aiming her bow. I walked up behind her as she released the string. The arrow made contact with the center of the target. She sighed with a frown. "Wish Hero could see how hard I've been working."

I smiled. "Just did. Very good, Steve has tought you well while I was out."

She turned around and smiled at me. "Hero!" She ran up and hugged me, tears filling her eyes. "I-I thought you were...."

"Dead? Yah, apparently half the town thought that." I finished.

She smiled and pulled away. "Steve said I've improved alot." She said proudly.

"I can see that. What else have you been working on?" She showed me everything and learned a few more skills before dusk. Steve had helped her and John quiet a bit. "Very good, Autumn. I think it's almost time for you to be a guard. I'll talk to the mayor tomorrow, ok?"

Her eyes lit up and she nodded. "Hero, I think it's time to head home." I nodded and we left.

We walked into our house and Entity greeted us at the door. "Oh, not dead are you? Shame, I was hoping you would be by now." He formed a ball of energy and threw it at me. I was thrown across the room and into a wall. I groaned and felt light headed. "Your times up Brine, it's over."

"Not yet." I said drawing my blade.

Finally, I can take over your mind.

Not now.

Don't you see, don't you realize what's going on?

Or are you just too scared to admit it?

You, you're Entity?

That I am.

I stood and tried to kill Entity, but I felt no control. How?

Now I can control you, and theirs nothing you can do about it.

"STEVE! RUN!" I shouted. Steve looked at me struggling against Entity's force and he ran from the house.

"You're finally mine Brine. You'll kill everyone you know and love, and theirs nothing you can do about it. You lost, you were too late."

Tears filled my eyes as I slowly lost more and more control. No! This isn't over, this won't end like this. I tried to fight back and Entity smiled.

"Still fighting are we?" He raised his other hand and it started glowing. I could feel my energy slowly and painfully drain from my body as he pushed harder and harder.

I screamed in pain and fell to one knee. He's right, he won....I was too late....Everyone I know, everyone I protected....their all gonna die, and theirs nothing I can do about it. Slowly my energy left me. I still fought back and struggled with all my might.

"You know what? I have a better idea." He formed another ball of energy, this one was a darker red and glew brightly. He walked closer to me and threw it at me. "You will soon be mine, you will soon do as I please, and soon, you will die!" He teleported and left me to lay on the ground in pain. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

You're mine now Brine.


....wow....did that really happen Hero?

Hero: *stares at chapter* yah, it did...*tears fill eyes*....*turns away*

*looks back at the chapter looks at Hero*....so, that's why you....

Hero: hate Entity? Yah, that's part of the reason.

....Hero I-I....

Hero: *sadly* just....just don't J....please....just.....

....well, that's it for now guys. If you enjoyed, then....

Hero: *snaps* then you have a sick sense of humor. *tears fall down face, looks away again*

...then hit the vote button and keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter. I'm J and I'll talk to you later peepz.

Hero:.....*looks at chapter again, teleports away*

...poor Hero.

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