[3] wide awake

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But it was not to be. For two days later, in his hotel room in Argentina, he saw it on the news. What caught his attention, was the flight number. Malaysian Airlines Flight 317.

Two days after that he saw her face in the papers. Her beautiful beaming face, staring back at him. Pauline Vera, 24, junior neurologist. Her eyes were tired as always, but her smile overshadowed that one tiny flaw.

He ran a hand through his hair, doing his best to absorb it all. Initially he was overwhelmed with sadness. He may have not actually known her, but those few minutes they shared was enough to give him the impression that she was a good person.

But then he came to realise that Pauline was probably in heaven now, among the people she had once tried so hard to save but never did. Never could.

He found himself smiling, knowing that at least she was where she belonged. At least she had her wish fulfilled. True to her words, she had certainly left a laudable mark on Hector's life. And he was definite, he wasn't the only one she has left a mark on.

Amidst Angels » Héctor BellerínWhere stories live. Discover now