"So-o... Why do you?" I asked, making Sasori squeeze his tail around the woman, silencing her screams. "For eternal beauty. A puppet's skin does not wrinkle with age. Nor do their eyes fade with color over the years. No longer do they posses a voice that'll crackle in time. They shall all become eternally beautiful." I began to see Sasori's logic in his art. Yet... If he wants to be eternal, why not be a Jashinist? "S-Sasori?" "You should refer to me with higher respect than that, child." He huffed 'child' out, as to prove his point. "....Like what?" "Hmpf, Hidan would have a hissy fit if I told you to refer to me as master, why not 'Sensei'?" "Sasori-Sensei?" "Better." I shuffled my feet, looking away witht the obvious feeling my question wouldn't go well. "If y-you want et-ternal beauty-y, why not be a Ja-" Sasori stopped me from completing my sentence. "Because that is not art. It's a religion. Not art." With that last information Sasori hauled the woman and himself back to his room down his hallway. 

I continued my walk, passing another hallway, the torches hung up on the cavern walls illuminating the way to go. One torch. Two torches. Three torches. Four torches. Five torches. Seven-No wait... Six? Five, six, and then seven. That's right. I looked down at my hands. And yesterday when I chose to guess what was left and right, I guessed correctly and made it to Itachi's room. I lifted my left hand a little closer. I went on the side closer to this hand, so it was the left. So that means this is my left hand. I lowered it, looking at the right. That's the right hand...

I smiled at my own knowledge and conclusions. If I can figure these things out than I really can learn from Hidan. A right turn came up at the end of the hall, I followed it, still not knowing where exactly I was going. I passed a hallway, a hallway that somehow appeared darker than the rest. A chill ran down my back making me speed up, turning a walk into a jog. 

As I jogged down, I kept my sights on the floor, avoiding little rocks. It wasn't until now I noticed I had forgotten shoes but I wasn't going back, what was the point in that? "Oof!" I bounced off of something, landing down on my bottom. "It's the little girl! And? Unless we can eat her, I see no point in her." I looked up at the strange voices curiously, a strange man stood infront of me. Half of his body white, the other black. Golden eyes and moss colored hair. He also wore an Akatsuki cloak with two large green traps poking out from his shoulders to his head. I glanced to the left, seeing another hallway. "That leads to our room. Mind telling us why you've come to our room." Despite it being a question, it sounded a lot like a demand. "I-I'm-m los-t-t." I stuttered out, inching away from the man, feeling a bad aura come from him. "Oh? The girl says lost... Then I'm sure Hidan wouldn't care if we took a little bite. Just a taste." The man nodded to himself, advancing forwards.

I jumped up to my feet, fear and confusion racing in me. Bite? Like... Eating? He wants to eat me!? "U-u-uh! Hi-Hidan would be-e very upset-t!" I said, forcing the hopeful lie. The man chuckled, the lower and higher tones mixing into one. I spun around, taking off away from the man. Running to live, this is a familiar action. I kept running, passing the darker hallway, seeing the turn up in the distance when the man with two faces appeared out of the ground. "EEP!!" I squeaked in surprise, tripping as I tried to stop myself from running right into him. "A little taste is all we want. An arm? A leg? A side? The eyes? Fingers?" He listed off body parts to eat, sending the fear right to my heart, beats getting faster and louder in my ears. H-how did he even appear there?... 

"Zetsu! What're you doing with Ko, hm?" 'Zetsu' turned around, meeting the blue eyes of Deidara. His blonde hair still flipped over the side of his face, and then casting down his back. "Nothing." Zetsu quickly said, disappearing back into the ground. Deidara raised an eyebrow to me, not lending a hand as I got up myself. I didn't say anything, simply giving a quick bow of gratitude and racing by him, looking to get out of this hallway as fast as possible. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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