Confessions to myself

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Wow, I thought to my self Derrick looks really hot today. Maybe I should talk to him just so that he knows that I do love him. I just thought that Austin was him and how I ran out of the party. Yeah, he'll totally believe that. "Derrick I need to talk to you. I should have told you that my brother brought me back to reality for a while and I'm sorry that I was kissing Austin while I'm dating you......."

"It's okay I still love you and if what you say is true then I will believe you. I thought the guy that was whispering your name was your boyfriend from before you came to your uncles. Sorry that was my fault. By the way, what's your brother's name I really would like to meet him saying that we been dating for a couple weeks now. Or it feels like it when I'm around you."

"I love you, but my brother actually left last night after he bought me coffee to get the acohol out of my system. He really loves me, as a sister don't worry. If I let you meet my family then I have to meet all your gal pals should I say. Then I also want to meet your family."

He thought about my compromise for a while. Finally he spoke up and replied say "okay, I'll let you meet all my gal pals and family if you introduce me to your brother."

I thought about it for a while maybe I should tell him that he Harry isn't in town anymore, but we could fly over there together. "Here's the problem my brother already went back to Spain, so I mean we could fly over there but that could be a day or two."

"I don't care he told me I will fly over there once you meet my gal pals from my friends. I really like you and I would like for your family to like me. I want you to meet my parents tonight we can hang out until they get home is that okay with you?"

Of course it was okay with me. "Yeah, um what time will you bring me back I need to call my brother and then I can't tell you if I'll be calling him to night."

"Okay call him right now and see when we can go over to Spain. Luv you Derrick." Okay maybe that was a little harsh, but it was true I have to call Harry he wouldn't like me to just stop in unexpected.

"I'll talk to you later once I call Harry. Love you. Oh, wait I have a question that I really need you to answer. Where did Austin come from? This is a really random question, but my brother had told me to stay away from Austin like he would know who I really am." "Its okay if my sister was caught kissing some guy I would probably freak, too. About Austin he's my cousin from England that can't stop forgetting what it was like to go to jail because he tried to crash to royal wedding and so his parents sent he over to stay with us for a while."

"I'm going to tell you about myself and you can't judge me because I was told by my brothers to send him over to america. Instead I punished both of us because we dated and I told him that I needed to take a break for a while to think about some stuff."

"Hey, it's okay. I knew that you were dating, because once he got here he started talking about you. I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean I never thought my cousin had such great taste in girls. Its not like you like him anymore, right?

What should I tell him that we're still dating secretly. Yeah right, he would probably kill me and his cousin. I don't think I want to be the source of there fighting. My brothrs don't even approve of me dating Austin, let alone the guy I'm datings cousin. I think I will just call my brother. Spain should be up by no shouldn't they. "I'm going to call my brother, okay?"

"Why would it matter what I thought I mean your dating my cousin and me and not telling me" he mumbled at me. Wow, he must be jealous, I should have both boys come with me to spain and see which boy my family likes better. Not that I don't already know the answer.

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