Is the really you

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My uncle Jay had told me that he only knew that Harry was going to becoming to get me not when he was going to get me. When my brother shows up I hope to get answers, being without answers really sucks. How many people you know don't know what there parents are like, or in my case parent. Jay told me that my eldest brother had just married and they were to go on their honeymoon soon. I hope that both my brothers will like me I thought during my English class.

Tay, we still have to find the answer and you not telling me who you like will not help? Molly texted me.

Fine I like Derrick Hanson, but I don't know if he is dating someone I replied back go her text.

Oh he was dating Karry Carlson but what he said is that she was to controlling and she made a name out of both his names.

Geaze, I wouldn't change him I like him. Who would do that he just so handsome. Could you by chance sit by me so I can ask him out. I really like him and I was wondering if I ask him at lunch.

"Yeah, I'll sit by you, by the way didn't you know that Derrick is my brother. He told me that if he got asked out by somebody then he would say yes. Would Maddie get mad at us because I won't want anybody to be hating on me," Molly told me.

"Okay, can I come over tonight I really want to ask him out and get his phone number, then if I leave within the next couple weeks we can text each other."

"Talking about me again Molly don't I feel love oh who is this Sis."

Molly rolled her eyes she couldn't stand her brother's flirting with all her friends. "Derrick, this is Taylor and we were wondering if we could sit by you today she doesn't have very many friends and I would love to see Josh Doeden again."

"So Taylor did you want to sit by me I would like to give you my number just not with all these people around. I get random text by my ex Maddie she just won't stop texting me and I don't exactly care for her she doesn't give a dam about anybody, other than her friends who are dating some of my friends. I really feel bad for them any way if you sit by us then you will probably get to meet them during lunch. Come on," Derrick told me.

Yes, I thought maybe I can get his phone number right now. Oh yeah he said that he would give it to me at lunch. This should be fun I don't think that Maddie likes me without knowing that I am crushing on her ex-boyfriend. She'll hate me for sure now. Maybe I should ask if we can go out sometime.

"Hey Taylor I was wondering if maybe you would go out with me I think I may like you. And don't worry about my ex she won't hurt you if she knows that her title would be in geophordy."

I had cut him off. "What title? Karry is a little b***h because I think that I can handle my self against her. By the way I would like to go out with you can I stop by tonight depending on when my brothers come I could be gone in a while and I would like to get to know you. By the way, your really hot any girl would be stupid to break up with you or give you a reason to break up with her."

"Thanks Taylor you could become a really good friend of Alicia Moon she is Jay Moon's daughter. She a really nice girl and would get along really well with you. She is dating one of my best..."

"Did you say daughter of Jay Moon? Because that would be really weird if you knew what I'm talking about if you don't answer my question."

he had to think about it so he must not know very much about her."Yeah I think so I only have one class with her, but from what I've gathered she's a freak," he told me.

"Did you just call my cousin a freak, because I thought I liked you but bad mouthing my cousin who took me in so that I could meet my brother doesn't make you a very good boyfriend material. Sorry, but this maybe wasn't the best idea. Molly I'll meet up with you later. Don't worry about me I'm going to call my uncle Jay see what he says when my brother will becoming to take me home. Call you later Molly."

I can't believe that he would talk about my cousin right in front of me who does he think he is I don't like people calling my family freaks they don't even know them. But, then again I don't know them either.

~~Later at my uncle Jay's house~~

Maybe I should ask him no it's not like he will get offended I mean I just want to get to know my supposed family. "Uncle Jay do I have a cousin named Alicia that goes to my school?" I thought he might not tell me I mean who would know what to say when they get a random question about somebody that they might not even know.

"Yes, you have a cousin named Alicia that goes to your school. Why are you wondering were people talking mean about her? People make fun of her just because her last name is Moon."

That had explained a lot on my the last name sounded so familiar."Thanks Uncle Jay, and yes they were calling her a freak with me right in front of them and I stood up for her. I knew that she might be a cousin because of the last name."

Harry's P.O.V.

I had just gotten two calls both from my family one from my older brother saying that he would be picking up our sister with me in two months. The other from my uncle Jay who Taylor is staying with. Harry I heard Chelsea call out from my bedroom. And no haven't passed making out. When ever we went out in public she would kiss me. Not that I didn't like her, but it got annoying when ever you were at a family function and press is there.

Jay said that Taylor had made friends with a girl named Molly Hanson. Why does that name seem so familiar? Oh, that's right she was born in America, but her parents are full British. Jay said that she might have a crush on some boy named Derrick apparently she didn't want the tell uncle Jay his last name. Not that I was really listening to the conversation he was having with me.

Maybe I can get the family jet and meet her. I should do that not like press will know I'm in America unless blabbermouth tells everybody. I won't tell her because she will come and blog about something that shouldn't be getting out very soon until we know for sure. Tonight I will leave I decided they would just be getting home from school when I showed up.

When I showed up I was met by many different people the house my sister was staying at. The walk through the door took the longest because when I walked through I seen my sister making out with some dude that she was sitting on. OMG!!! I thought to myself.

**Taylor's P.O.V.

All of a sudden I felt somebody staring at me I mean seriously I'm at a party hosted by Alicia. For some random reason I felt like I should know who was staring at me but couldn't tell who it was staring at me.

Could it be who I thought it was? "Harry," I spoke softly not knowing if it was my brother named Harry.

"Taylor?" I heard him reply. Could it really be her? he murmured to him softly but I still heard him.

"Yeah," I told him, "and are you by chance my brother who I didn't even know that exist until my friends said that I looked really familiar to somebody by the name of Jay."

He grabbed me up in his arms and said, "I finally found my sister who was missing her whole life."

"Harry is it possible that I could finish school over her and then when I start high school I can start in a new school not during the middle of the school year?"

"Of course, I wouldn't have it another way. You need to know your family in America so when you get stressed you can visit them," he replied to my request.

I don't know if I should be happy or sad that he wants me to stay in school in America instead of going HOME with him.


Trying to write the third chapter by having a huge writer block don't know how I'm going to get through it I have state districts tonight so let's see who wins. Let's win lady watchdogs. Thinking maybe I should include some of the senior at school.


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