Chapter 3: The Beginning

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"I'm going to be a guardian angel," Myst cried with joy as she floated up in a spiral of joy.

"That's wonderful!" her mother smiled, "when do you start?"

"I start asap," Myst smiles.

"Well then, what are you doing here? Go!" her father encouraged her.

Myst nodded and hugged her parents goodbye, then she flew out of her house. Myst loved the joy of flying, she felt at ease whenever she was flying, but today she had no time to fly leisurely, she had to report to the High Angel very, very soon. Out of respect she did not want to keep him waiting.

She landed with grace before the High Angel's palace, as she always does, and walks hastily to the palace doors. Once inside, one of the messenger angels leads her down the gallant hallways she had just been down hours before. She was extremely excited, but also extremely nervous, she had no idea what the High Angel wanted her to do or why he summoned her so soon. Butterflies raged in her stomach as she stood before the doors to the throne room. The messenger angel had left her to enter the throne room by herself.

Getting over her fears with curiosity, she pushed open the marvelous doors. When she stepped inside the High Angel was already there, watching her approach. Why won't he speak? she thought worriedly.

Because not everyone can be trusted my dear Myst, the High Angel's voice spoke into her mind, I have an assignment for you.

What is it Sir? Myst asked warily.

I would like to assign you to a troubled child, one whom only someone of your talent could turn in the right direction, the High Angel explained.

I would be glad to take on this assignment, Myst thought graciously.

Good, you will start tomorrow, the details will be sent to your home sometime between now and then. Do not fail me Myst, I'm counting on you, the High Angel smiled before saying, "You may go now Myst."

"Yes, Sir," Myst bowed before high-tailing it out of there, gracefully.


"A special assignment? The High Angel has incredibly high hopes for you," her father smiled after Myst told them the jist of her second meeting with the High Angel.

"You'll be able to do it honey," her mother assured her.

"Thanks," Myst smiled meekly.

"Now, go and get some rest, you're going to have an exciting first day tomorrow," her father complimented.

Myst smiled and nodded before soaring to her room with excitement, joy, curiosity, and fear. 

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