Clark's Universe

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My name's Clark, and I'm a new employee working at a marketing office.

I live the simple life. A not-so-high wage because I'm still a fresh graduate, but just enough to pay for my rent, transportation, everyday needs and for food. Especially, food. Like pizza.

Anyway, I've been doing this morning routine for the past few months:
*wake up at 7am for my 8am work calltime
*30 minutes preparation for work (20 minute bath, 5 minute wear clothes, 5 minutes check social media — skips breakfast)
*25 minute jeepney ride to the office
*arrive at around 7:58am

Perfect, everyday routine, tested and proven, and has never failed me. I know it's not the most efficient, but it does the job for me. After work, I immediately go home, eat, then drown myself in the internet socializing (but mainly stalking) in social media, watching youtube videos, or reading manga until I fall asleep. No love life, and barely any human interaction. In general, no "outside world" life.

And I'm happy this way because mainly I'm an introvert and a self proclaimed anti-social.

I barely interact with people anyway. I just keep a handful of trustworthy friends and attend little to no parties, events or hangouts (because it is tiring to be honest). This is why I am, I repeat, happy this way. It's as if I'm in my own universe, enjoying the normal, ordinary, dull life.

It was until that one fateful day, when everything just... happened.

That one Monday morning, I woke up at 7am, ready to do my everyday routine. Looked up at my social media accounts for 5 minutes, check. Took a shower for 20 minutes, check. Wore clothes and groomed self for around 5 minutes, check. Ready to face the outside world again, I hurriedly opened my apartment entrance door. Then this came along.

A cat, brownish/black in color, wearing glasses (black and quite stylish in fact), stood before me. Yes, it was standing, like how we humans do it. But just when I thought the wearing glasses and standing were weird enough, it then looked at me, and all of a sudden opened its arms and paws while shouting quite happily, "congratulations!"

You know, if I'd be told congratulations by people my first response would be "thank you" or to just literally jump for joy for achieving something.

But this, no. It was a cat, and it's a cute one. But the cat-saying-congratulations-part really took over its cuteness. So, I still literally jumped, but now in fear, and ran to the backmost part of my room, screaming, "what? the? f*ck?"

It took a second for me to realize what was going on. A cat — that talks, and wears glasses? You don't see that everyday. Just when I thought I'd be living the ordinary life, I then wonder what the universe has actually in store for me.

And this is where my story begins.


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