Nathan's POV: Chapter Nineteen// New Partner

Start from the beginning

I step closer to the machine and tap the correct buttons, she doesn't take her eyes off of me.

"Toss us a dollar would ya?" I extend my arm in her direction and open my hand expectantly. Paige freezes as she stares at my hand with a nervous sway.  "Do you have any more money?" I growl to block off my emotions of feeling sorry for her for the way she is trapped in this situation.

But I can't just switch to thinking with my heart now.

"Do you?" I insist an answer with an intake of breath, puffing out my chest.

"Um yeah." Hesitantly Paige rummages into her pocket.

Josh must be getting impatient by the way he yells at her. "Just give it him, God!"

She hands me the money then steps back. I pick up my water and unscrew the top for a long drink. On my heels I spin to leave, feeling guilty for what had just happened. I want to leave now and get this over with so I can go home and forget my life for another twelve hours.

But Paige makes that difficult as she speaks again, making me turn back around to face her again.

"Um, Nathan." Her breath hitches as if afraid to talk to me. The soul of my heart drops which I mask with a sharp expression.


"Oh, I was just wondering if you've finished that paragraph for our history project yet... It is due in tomorrow, have you done it?"

My gut twists.

But reclaiming my character, no caring and self-centred, I smirk over at Josh who is smiling back. I shake my head with a glance at the ground. I let a laugh slip from my mouth.

"What? Please tell me." The helplessness radiates from her lips, the lips I am desperately trying to avert my attention from. Her eyes go big, inflated with an innocence I wish I was able to sympathise with, but I know I can't.

"Did I forget to tell you?"

I put my hood back up.

"Tell me what?"

"I have a new partner for the project."

I see her jaw literally drop with a stunned silence while she processes my words, the cogs in her brain clicking in disbelief. It was never my idea to switch, with Josh always breathing down my back, monitoring my everything, I just felt that it would be best for me to go with him, especially as most of the school is against Paige.


"Josh." I reveal.

Josh knocks back his hood to reveal the smirk engraved upon his face.

"But why?"

"I think the question is why would he go with you at the start?" Spits back Josh in my defence.

"Sorry Paige," my laughs comes out unsympathetic, my heart punching my heart as I regret it the instant she looks to the floor as if about to shed a tear.

"So, who am I going to present the project with now?"

"You mean my project? I've got the model of the Tudor house so you're just gonna have to use the project Josh did with his partner."

I can't feel emotions now. This girl can ruin everything... 

Don't look into her eyes Nathan! Her big brown eyes, full of my guilt and regret. Don't fall now.

"Who's that?-" But she pauses; She knows.

"See you around Paige," I turn my back on her and face Josh, mirroring his smirk as I let his chuckle relax my face, fist bumping him as we exit the cafeteria.

Ethan's soccer practice doesn't last much longer, him reunited with Paige as they hug on the bleachers. Me and Josh are stood at a distance by the bush with the hidden spray paint.

"You ready?"

I snap out of my trance with the shake of Josh's hand on my shoulder, distracting me from Paige and all the other doubts eating my mind piece by piece.

"I'm ready."

Ethan meets with us a few minutes later, his smile wide as he high fives Josh.

"She has no idea that I'm not really in the shower, the girl is so dumb."

"Hey!" I mentally throw my hand over my mouth. Staring deep into my eyes I go stiff with Josh and Ethan's glares. I cough to cover it up and wave for them to continue.

I flex my arm with the hoist of one of the cans, positioning it close to the wall and spray.

I am so stupid! Why did I just say that?

With every ounce of self-anger, I press harder, releasing my stress through the graffiti now tattooed onto the wall, my vandalism a symbol to show that even if I was a nerd, I am no longer the same boy. Yes I used to like Paige, but now, the new Nathan is different.

"Quick! Let's go!"

Me and Josh bolt for my car, Ethan sliding back into the hower room in a haste. I force my foot down on the gas pedal and speed off down the road, leaving everything behind... including Paige.

A/N shout out to V_CrescentMoon_V and Dorky_Any_Shine66 for suggesting this chapter!!!!

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