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Hoseok's POV

I arrived at the set where they would be filming "If Looks Could Kill" and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Whoa, I thought to myself as I admire the view of the place.

"Jeogiyo?" I asked a person who just got done talking to someone. He then turned around and noticed me trying to get his attention.

"Ah, yea?" He asked.

"I'm looking for Mr. Lee Yoon?"

"Oh, that's me. You must be Jung Hoseok?"

"Ah, yes," I said, felling relived that I didn't get the wrong person.

"I'm so glad that you can make it. Follow me. I'll explain all about your resume and your new job in my office. Or should I say trailer?"

As I followed the director to his trailer to talk about business, my eyes immediately wonder at the green screen, in which really did impress me, considering the fact that I am a Green colour lover, but then I stopped when something, or should I say someone else caught my attention who was standing in front of the green screen.

She had beautiful brown eyes, her dark brown hair, her smile, her skin, and everything else about her seemed so familiar to me.

"Hoseok!" Mr. Yoon- Min screamed, getting my attention.
"Are you okay?"

"Oh, yes, sir. I apologize," I replied, feeling embarrassed.

We both entered his trailer and sat down. He grabbed my resume as he asked a question.

He started his sentence off by saying: "First, I would like to say I apologize for having to make you wait this long. Second, I see that you are a painter and paint with the colour green, is that correct?"

"Yes," I replied, feeling nervous as can be.

"Impressive, this is my first time ever talking to someone who loves the colour green. That's very fascinating. Now I know I've picked the right person.

"We needed someone to be the photographer and you know take photos and videos behind the scenes and sometimes while we film, and by the look of this resume, I think you're up for the job, Mr. Hoseok."

"Really?" I asked, trying go process what I just heard.

"Yes, you can start today if you like."

"Oh, thank you so much, sir!" I exclaimed. "I won't let you down!"

"Thank you. I'll send in my assistant and he will help you out with your job."

I walked out of his trailer with his assistant feeling grateful about this job. His name is Park Jimin and he seems like a pretty nice kid, shy though. He's helping me out with my job so that's cool.

"So, Mr. Hoseok", Park Jimin began, "are you familiar with photography?"

"Yes, but this will be my first time," I answered.

"Well, today's your lucky day," he said, smiling.

As he was teaching me about my job, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. There's something about her that just... I don't know... she's just special...

"Ya! Hoseok!" Jimin yelled. "Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah. I'm fine, just- "

"Just staring at that pretty girl over there wearing that green dress?"

"How did you know?" I asked shocked and surprised.

"Because,almost everyone, including me, have been staring at her. Her name is Casey V and she's the number one top American actress in the whole world. She's even above Scarlett Johansson.

"She's a very friendly person. I talked to her once and she's very sweet, unlike him." He said pointing over to the guy wearing a suit.

"Oh, Im Jon-Hyung?"

"Yeah. He pretends he's nice when he's with the media, but the truth is that he's an ass."

"Yeah, I heard about him."

"But hey don't worry. At least you get free food," he said laughing while continuing to set up the stand.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her though. Casey V, I thought. What a beautiful name..

She noticed me staring and smiled. I looked down, blushed, and waved at her, shyly. She smiled and waved back.

I smiled as soon as she looked away... Today will be a good day after all...

Ello loves! I apologize for the late update. I've been very busy with traveling and all soo.. I sowwy =(

But hey at least I published this chapter for you guys! I hope you like it and I'll try ny best to update more and on time. Like, vote, share and comment on what you think! Thanks loves!

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