Ch 17: Gray?

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A/N: Part 2!! Enjoy!

Nami's POV:

"You okay?" Minato questioned

"Nah..." I sarcastically muffled into my mouth

"Okay..." He shrugged it off

"What?!" I took my hands off my face "You're cool after we KISSED??!!"

"Yea...why?" He looked at me

" quiet..." I looked down

"OOOOOjbeiugevbriuhruruvruvirbvirvpirbvrvhbivodkcdkjvnwruhvheuleivhgorygjdhfyghvuyAAAHHH!!!!!!!!" Kaori fangirled "They kissed! They Kissed! THEY KISSED!!!!!!"

"BE QUIET!!!!!" I blushed again

"You guys kissed!" Kousei joined in

"YOU AS WELL!!!" I shouted "Come on guys..."

I again buried my red face into my shaking hands...

"Can we just go now?" I questioned "Like go home now?"

"Huh? Why?" Minato asked 

"I just..." I hesitated "Feel...Sick..."

"You're bluffing..." Gray stated 

"Wa-No I'm not!" I spoke ""

"Okay..." Kaori muttered "After we go to one more shop!"

I groaned as I followed them everywhere...

5:24pm-out of the mall...

We're out the mall...FINALLLY!!! Kaori decided to go to more shops instead of ONE....That liar. I didn't even know what she bought....ah well, if we're out of that mess, good...

We all got into the car and did the same routine...

6:03pm- Driving to Nami's house

"See ya in school..." Gray waved at Minato as he walked usual

I sat back on the front seat as he drove to my house. For some reason, it was silent. Yea it's silent every time I go to my house, but this feels like something is wrong...with Gray...

"Umm...Gray?" I hesitated "Is...something, wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong..." He answered quickly

"Are you sure?" I questioned "You don't seem yourself..."

"I am myself..." He raised his voice "Now can you just leave me with my driving?"

"Gray..." I spoke "You're not yo-"

"For the last time, I am!" He shouted at me "Just leave me alone!"

My eyes suddenly widened. I've never seen Gray angry...I sat there, nothing to say. I didn't want to say anything, things would just go worst...

"Look...I'm sorry..." He apologised 

"It's oka-"

"We're here..." Gray interrupted me

Before I got out the car, I gently held his hand and smiled at him softly, then got out the car...

"Bye..." I muttered as I walked away and headed to my house

I took my keys and pushed the key into it. Suddenly, my door was unlocked. I swear I locked my door before I went out...strange. I slowly opened the door and looked carefully around my surroundings... I saw a light from my lounge...

"Hello?" I spoke "I anyone there?"

I heard little sweet whispers coming from the lounge...A GHOST!!!!

"Hi Nami!!!" A sweet chirping voice appeared on the cough

"Hinami?" My eyes widened

"What' up Nami..." A deep voice came from my kitchen

"AYATO!!!!" I shouted as I jumped to hug him "I miss you soooooo much!"

A/N: I had to end it like this 'cuz if I add more, it would be over yeah, back to a short story!!! Next chapter will be coming soon (Like maybe in a few days, I will make up from all the lack of updates). Oh yea...I PASSED MY SINGING EXAM YAY!!! Anyways...Bye!

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