Ch 14: Friends

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A/N: This story is the 'friends' story...there is way more sections so, enjoy!

Nami's POV:

"Hey Minato!" I shouted "Can you help me here?"

"Why?" He ignored my question "Can you do it by yourself?"

My eye twitched a bit "Help me or you're dead..."

"Fine, fine..." He moaned

He got the box that was in my hand. I was on the ladder, which was leaned on the bookshelf...You were wondering what in the world we are doing, well, we are cleaning our maths classroom...for reasons.

Since that incident with Minato and Gray, we all had to have a punishment for all the noise and mess we made. All of us; Me, Minato, Gray, Koari and Kousei...

Kousei was cleaning the tables while Kaori was cleaning the chairs until it was spotless. Gray was mopping the floor...with,, off... Anyways, Me and Minato were organising the books. Well you can say I'm doing most of the work, Mianto's just slacking always...

I stared at Gray "Gray...Can you put some top on...please?"

"Why?" He questioned me "You said to concentrate, so I made myself comfortable to concentrate..."

"But why take your clothes off..." My face started to heat up

"It's okay..." Minato spoke "He does that at his home...always taking his top off...I don't know why, to be honest with you..."

"That makes me comfortable all the time!!" Gray exclaimed as Minato rolled his eyes.

When I spoke to Minato, everything has changed a bit. He apologised to Gray and they became the more closer together. Kaori was very excited about their performance , as well as Kousei, well a little bit nervous... I, on the other hand, was happy on how my friends are going. I don't care about my life, I just want my loved ones to be safe and sound, and this what I dreamed of.

"Hey dreamhead, stop spacing out..." Mianto scoffed

"Stop calling me that, dingdong!!" I shouted

"Well, you better stop calling me 'dingdong' dreamhead..." He muttered

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!!" I screamed

Then, I saw a small figure passing through the door...Dammit...

"What's all the shouting for?" He questioned me 

"Nothing...Mr. Ackerman..." I quickly spoke as he glared at me

"Tch...Brats..." He scoffed as he walked off... 

"Nice one...dreamhead..." Minato whispered to me

"Shut up...dingdong..." I whispered back


"Finally we're done!" Kaori stretched her muscles "That took a long time..."

I sighed as I sat on one of the benches "Well done did a great job..."

"Well you're the one who got us in trouble with Mr. Ackerman..." Minato crossed his arms

"Are you still on with that?" I glared at him as he rolled his eyes

"Well, you did actually got us in trouble again..." Gray joined in


"Good one..." Minato high-fived him

"I hate you guys!!" I turned around from them Gray chuckled

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