Tuesday, September 26

Start from the beginning

"Who's Bailey?" My mom asked, her eyes lit up in excitement.

"Bailey's this girl from school that little Levi has a crush on." Maci said, poking me in the side which earned her a grunt from me.  "Unless this 'Emma' has stolen his heart."

"We're just friends."

"Yeah uh huh okay, whatever you say." Maci rolled her eyes, my parents just laughed at my expense.

"There's a lot of 'just friends' going around lately." My dad commented.

"Hurry up and eat Maci, I don't want to be late." I said stuffing the rest of my eggs in my mouth.

Maci looked at my mom and the two snickered together.  "Why?  Anxious to see your girlfriend?"

I poked Maci in the ribs causing her to let out a squeak and cover her mouth so her food wouldn't come spraying out all over the kitchen.

"Bye mom, bye dad." I said, kissing my mom on the cheek.  My dad slapped my back as I walked by, snagging both mine and Maci's backpacks from off the floor.  "I'll be in the car."



I linked my arm through Levi's as we walked towards the cafeteria after our fourth hour.  Jackie was on my left, she hadn't stopped talking since we were dismissed from class.

"So Maci is Skylar going to ask you to homecoming?"

I looked over at Levi, trying to read his expression.  There was something off about him today and I couldn't figure out what it was.  It was like he was worried about something but when I asked he claimed it was nothing.

"It would be so cute, the two of you together at homecoming.  You guys make the cutest couple!"  Jackie said, her voice going up an octave.

I looked back over at Levi, he was completely absorbed in his thoughts.  "Well usually Levi and I go together."

"But what if Skylar asks you? Are you going to say yes?"

I shrugged, not knowing the answer.  Of course I would love for Skylar to ask me, I had never gone to a dance with anyone other then Levi.  But at the same time it made it easier going with Levi.  I didn't have to worry whether there were certain people I could or could not dance with.  It made the night drama free.   

"Well regardless we need to go dress shopping asap.  If we wait any longer all the good dresses will be gone."  We sat down at the table, Britney, Erin, and Sarah already digging through their lunches.  "We should all go dress shopping this weekend."

"Oh my gosh yes!" Britney said through a mouthful of food.

"Have you been asked yet Jackie?" Sarah asked, Jackie shook her head no.  "Mitch asked me this morning."

"Did you say yes?"

"Of course!"

I rolled my eyes, sneaking a glance at Levi who was watching Jackie closely.

"Who do you want to ask you?" Erin asked between squeals.

Jackie shrugged, her eyes wandering over to Levi.  "Um, I don't know."

"What about you Maci?  Has Skylar asked you yet?"

"No, not yet." I muttered taking a bite of the sandwich my mom had packed me.

The rest of lunch continued with talk of homecoming.  Levi sat quietly be my side.  I looked over occasionally studying his profile, trying to find some sort of clue as to what was on his mind.  I didn't like that I felt like he was keeping something from me.  We told each other virtually everything.  Maybe it was something really personal.  But even then, i had no idea what it could possibly be.

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