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There was a loud howling sound, and I swear that it shook the shack more violently than all the wind put together.

"What was that?" Jake yelled, Andy seemed to be the first one of us to come up with an answer.

"In a storm like this, it could be anything!"

"This is no storm!" Felix's shoulder brushed against mine as he had to rebut Andy's statement.

"What?" I asked, obviously startled. My mind drifted back to what Felix had told us only moments ago, about a potential evil spirit.

"There's something out there! You saw it!" Felix said, addressing Sam. He looked toward us, jaw dropped and wide eyed.

"Well, maybe Andy was right. Maybe it's just the wind!" Sam concluded, not wanting to believe that a demon was right outside our door.

Another deafening howl flooded through the shack, and then was abruptly cut off. The room's only door swung open with such a force that I thought it was going to fly off the hinges and land on top of us. All five of us peered through the open doorway with narrowed eyes, waiting for something to happen. It was totally silent for about two seconds, before the door slammed shut with a concerning creaking sound and the wind started up again. I felt like we were in a horror movie, except this wasn't a movie, and unlike the actors in those horror movies, we were probably going to die.

"This is so messed up!" Sam noted, preparing his chosen weapon in case of a sudden attack.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I'm kinda glad you guys are here." Jake said, his eyes catching mine for a few seconds. This brings me back to my horror movie theory. Most horror movies, or most movies in general, have at least one romantic scene. In that moment, I was totally convinced that this lingering eye contact between me and Jake was our potential romantic scene.

"If we do die, I'm glad we had this!" Andy stated, his fringe blowing in the opposite direction it was meant to sit.

"Had what?"

"An adventure!" Andy replied to Sam's question with a small smile. I don't know why he was smiling, he literally just said we could die.

The wind was still going strong hours later, and I was beginning to think that it would never stop and we'd all be trapped in this flaky shack for the rest of our apparent short lives and we'd be forced to eat each other like that rugby team that crash landed in the Andes.

Thanks, Felix.

We had given up on our weak defence, and we were now huddled close together in a circle around our only lamp.

Why is this happening? I have now resorted to asking myself pointless, and unanswerable questions that would only increase my growing depressing state.

"I just wanna go home." Sam mumbled, probably to himself. Same. 

I don't know how long it was until we all fell asleep. 


I woke with a startled jolt, sitting up quickly. Although I missed the start of this argument, I understood that Felix was scolding Sam.

"Don't do that! You just put dirt all over my face!" My blurry eyes eventually adjusted to the brightness of the room, and settled on the two quarrelling boys.

"Good!" We were all awake, and Jake sighed in his place beside me.

"Airhead." Felix scoffed, pushing Sam's foot away from him. I continued to stare in their general direction, and nobody noticed I was awake and sitting up so stiffly it looked like I was possessed.

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