"No, are you?" I asked, looking at his face "It's fine if you want to go." I told him

"I'll think about it, I don't like clubs as much as you do anyways." He said then kiss the top of my head "I need to keep going, movie marathon yet again later when we got back to the hotel?" he said and I nodded

"Sure, good luck and take care of yourself out there." I told him before giving him a sweet, long and passionate kiss

"Hey, not trying to be rude but we really need to work now" I broke the kiss when I heard the Southern accent. I turn around and saw Allen with his thumb hitched over his shoulder, motioning to the gorilla spot

I remove my hands from Fergal and I saw Avery ran to me and hug my torso, his head rested on my stomach "Brice! I miss you!" he yelled after about 2 minutes, bringing his head up to meet mine

"Hey buddy" I greeted simply, shifting awkwardly as everyone stared at us. I knelt down and carried him to my arms "How are you? You're so big now"

"I'm fine, I watched you when you're at ROH! You're so amazing! I love your hair!" he said and took a strand of my Blue hair to his hands, looking so amazed with the strand of hair in his hands

"Why did you leave?" he suddenly asked, his face turning serious as the atmosphere between us, the 5 adults, risen

"I-ugh, I just need to find me. I need to you know- ughh-"

"Brice just needs to find herself more, right?" Fergal said, helping me out to explain the little kid my situation

Avery nodded then I put him down "Can I stay with Brice, dad? Natalya likes talking about her cats more, she's boring" Avery said, running to his dad and grabbed his hands "Please?"

"If only Brice agrees" Allen answered, looking at me. Avery gave me his pleading eyes, which made me nod my head

"Sure, I'll look after him. You guys need to go now" I said and Avery jumped up and down, he ran towards me and lend his hand out "What do you want to do?" I asked him, walking away from them to my locker

"I want to play at UpUpDownDown" he answered "Can I go?"

"Sure, just let me change and we'll crash their place"


I held Avery's hand to mine and carried him when I saw Seth holding a cake, talking to the camera which was for UpUpDownDown "Hey guys, what are you up too?" I asked, standing beside Kevin

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I held Avery's hand to mine and carried him when I saw Seth holding a cake, talking to the camera which was for UpUpDownDown "Hey guys, what are you up too?" I asked, standing beside Kevin

"It's their 1st anniversary, going to give them a gift" Seth answered and walked to the room where they're filming, me and Avery following behind them

When we reach the room, Seth put his hands out to Xavier, Avery running beside Big E. After Seth said kind and sweet words, he pushed the cake to Xavier's face

I laughed at his face then I dipped my finger to his skin to get some icing, I lick it off my fingers and walked beside Kevin "It's an awesome cake man" I said and look down to see Avery laughing his ass off

Remaking the Roles ||WWE|| (PART 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя