Sarabi stared at the Sloth in shock. What kind of family would do that to him? Sarabi also felt a pin in her heart at the mention of family abandoning him. She too can relate, because at a young age her family left her behind.

"So, what about you! You have family?" Sid asked causing Sarabi to sigh and go to sleep as Manny turned around not wanting to think about it. 

"OK, you're both tired. I see. We'll talk more in the morning." Sid said before it started to hail. 

"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Ow! Ow! Manfred? Manfred? Could you scooch over a drop? Oh, come on! Nobody falls asleep that fast! Manny!" Sid yelled before finally giving up and stood underneath Manny's tail above his head.

~Le Time Skip: To the Morning~

Both the siblings and Sid were walking down a path with lots of trees, showing different colours of pink. Which made a smile appear on Sarabi's muzzle as she continued to look around. 

'It's so beautiful.' Sarabi thought.

"And she picked a hair off my shoulder and says, "If you have an extra mating dance, at least pick a female with the same colour pelt." Right? I thought "Whoa! She's gonna go praying mantis on me." You know what I'm saying?" Sid asked causing Sarabi to be snapped out of her thoughts as Sid was talking about mating dances causing Sarabi to shake her head.

"Hey, if you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful. Now get away from me." Manny said as he continued on walking.

"I think mating for life is stupid. I mean there's plenty of Sid to go around." Sid said as he took a bite of his apple but bumped into Manny causing the apple to fall out of Sid's hand. 

"Manny? Sarabi?" Sid questioned as he went under Manny and stopped as soon as he saw why both the siblings froze in their places.

In front of the trio was some women holding onto a little bundle in one arm while she held onto a fallen tree branch holding onto it for dear life, trying not to get swept away with the strong rivers current.

As if sensing someone was there, the human looked up causing a small gasp to leave Sarabi's mouth as she recognised who she was. It was Nadia. Sarabi never told Manny, but a long time ago, she met Nadia and her family.

Sarabi smiled at the memory of meeting Nadia and her family. But, that smile instantly vanishes as she watched Nadia made her way towards the trio while holding tightly towards the bundle in her arms, which caused Sarabi to think that it was Roshan. Since that was the only name that Sarabi heard Nadia and Runar talked about if they ever had a son.

Nadia pushed her baby towards the trio, and laid on the ground weakly, knowing that is was her time. Manny quickly grabbed the bundle and pulled it closer towards him with his trunk, when he noticed that the bundle was rolling backwards.

Nadia looked one last time at Sarabi and smiled once she saw the necklace that her and her husband Runar gave her, when she saved them. Sarabi smiled sadly as she looked at Nadia, knowing what happened without asking. They were attacked by something. What, she did not know and she plans to find out.

Both the siblings and Sid all looked down and saw that Roshan was looking up at them with a smile on his face.

"Look at that. He's OK!" Sid said. But once they looked up they saw that Nadia was gone, looking down the river they saw that she wasn't anywhere in sight causing a pain of guilt to bubble up in Sarabi's chest.  

"She's gone." Sid said stating the obvious.

Sarabi looked down at Roshan sadly as Manny turns to walk away, causing Sid to look up and saw him walking away. 

"Hey, Manny, are you forgetting something?" Sid asked.

"No." Manny replied causing Sarabi to look up towards Manny.

"But you just saved him." Sid exclaimed.

"Yeah, well I'm trying to get rid of the last thing I saved." Manny said.

"But Manny, we can't leave him here. Me especially, I won't allow it." Sarabi said causing Manny to turn around and look at his adoptive sister.

"What? Why?" Manny asked.

"Just a little time before we met, I met this human. Her name was Nadia." Sarabi said as she gestured towards the river where Nadia was last seen. 

"You know, she helped me out when I needed it the most. So, she took me to her tribe, though they did seem hesitant towards me at first since I was a saber and all. But, they warmed up to me." Sarabi then turned her attention down to Roshan.

"Now that she is gone, and Roshan is now motherless. I think that it's time that I return the favour." Sarabi finished, looking up at her adoptive sibling, who in returned stared down at her in shock.

"Fine." Manny finally said.

"Look, there's smoke." Sid said as he picked up Roshan and pointed over towards the waterfall once Manny gave the go.

"That's their camping ground. Roshan's family, we have to get up there." Sarabi said.



"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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