Chapter three

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Esme and Nessie walked in my room with a gift each. I looked at both of them as they got closer to me. Esme said "To my wolfy daughter." I smiled and opened the gift she placed in my hands. I found the Cullen crest in the box. I said "I can't accept this. I am not a Cullen." Esme said "You are a wolfy daughter to Carlisle and I plus their wolfy sibling and Nessie's wolfy aunt." She got it out of the box and put the necklace on me. It stopped right a my boobs and I smiled as they looked at it on me. Nessie said "This is for you auntie Lanie." She placed the gift in my hands and I looked at it. I started to open it and a tear fell as I realized it was a picture of us in the living room looking like a family. I smiled and saw the frame said "Family". I said "I love you guys so much." I hugged each of them then they led me down to he kitchen to eat. I had a plate full of eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, pancakes and three glasses of milk. I started to eat and they watched in amazement as I ate every bit of the food and drank every bit of milk. I waited for Nessie to finish and I washed all the dishes. I turned to see them all dressed to go hunting. I smiled and bolted for the door. I ran in the woods with the Cullens following me. They looked impressed with my speed. I smiled and decided to let them choose where we would be hunting. Emmett led the way to where there was alot of bears and mountain lions. I smiled as Emmet grinned at me. He thought "Whoever catches the bear first wins and whoever loses has to do whatever the winner tells them to do." I said "Deal, bro." I giggled as Edward yelled "Reday! Set! Hunt!" I bolted for the biggest and closest bear. I took him down in my human form. I snapped his neck and carried him to the Cullens. I dropped him infront of him and looked at my outfit. My clothes were in perfect condition. Emmett entered the meadow a second later. He looked at me amazed. I smiled at them and changed into my wolf. They gwaked at my wolf. I was huge and snow white. I laid down on the ground at Nessie's feet and she stroked my side.


After they got done hunting we all went for a run and I stopped right at the boundary line. Next thing I know three newborn vampires jump me. I am pushed over the line and into the other territory. They scratched at me and they started to attack me harder than ever. I rolled on top of one while the Cullens stood on their side growling and hissing. I struggled to get to my feet and started to fight the newborns. I tossed one to the Cullens and they took care of him quickly. I took care of the other male quickly and tossed the pieces to them to burn. The last newborn came at me and broke my right paw and dislocated my right shoulder. I howled in pain and fifteen giant wolves showed up. I was pinned down by the newborn and she went to bite me, but I kicked her off of me. I rolled away from her and right on my hurt side. I growled in pain and turned to human. I had clothes on because a witch put a spell on me so I can change with my clothes on and they don't rip to pieces. I laid on the ground holding my injured arm. I whimpered as they fought the newborn. Several of them got hurt and the newborn came at me again. Three smaller wolves blocked her and they ended up injuried. I growled and started to fight her with everything I had left which wasn't much to me, but it was more then the other wolves had. I killed her and fell to the ground in pain.


The large black wolf walked to me and collapsed at my feet. I touched his shoulder and let my wolf power take over and heal him. I staggered back and fell to the ground. The wolves ran into the woods and came back in human form with clothes on. All of them looked fimilar to me, but I couldn't put names to them. I got to my feet and backed up to the Cullens. Carlisle had Emmett, Jazz and Edward hold me in place while he put my shoulder back in place and then my wrist. I growled at him, but they knew I wouldn't hurt any of them. I stepped away from them and flexed my injuries and they were perfectly healed. I turned to the werewolves and said "See ya around." I waved bye to them and ran to the Cullen's home. Nessie jumped on my back as I ran to the house. Once there Bella and Esme washed the blood off my arms. I then sat on the couch feeling really tired. Nessie laid her head on my lap and fell asleep. I soon followed. I dreampt of a fight between the wolves and the Cullens. I was the one to stop it by nearly dieing by the hands of a newborn that had powers. They went together to save me, but hated eachother after that. I woke up with a scare when I heard hissing. I opened my eyes to see Emmett and Jazz fighting eachother. Nessie clung to me as I got up. I carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed. I collapsed right then and there. Edward came running in and took me to the kitchen to eat. I ate as much as I could then Emmett took me to my room to sleep.

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