"Nooo, I still have to do a 20 page report in English." I said with sarcasm and she rolled her eyes.

"Lair,  now lets go!" She said happily and I groaned as she pulled me up from the couch and dragged me to the door.

"MOM! Amy is making me go to the park!" I yelled and my mom came walking out from the kitchen

"Amy." My mom said seriously and Amy turned to my mom smiling. "Bring her back at six, I need her to help with dinner." My mom said with a grin and then she went back into the kitchen...........I'm not an object people!

"KK!" Amy yelled and then she pulled me out of the house and onto the street. It was a bit cloudy and the streets weren't busy as they would be. I looked over at Amy and she was skipping joyfully down the street while I followed her, sometimes I wonder if Amy has an 'inner child'..............I looked over at her and she was singing some song to herself..............Yup, she must have one. Sometimes I wonder how we became friends? "So are you still thinking about, you know, him?" Asked and I rolled my eyes.

"No.......Maybe." I grinned and she laughed.

"It's ok, It's hard not to think of a guy you LOVE." she said and I glared at her.

"I do not love him." I told her and she exhaled a breath.

"Fiiiinne, you 'like' him." She mumbled putting air quotes around 'like'. I stuck my tongue out at her and she rolled her eyes. "Whatever."She said and then she turned back and started to sing to herself again. This is going to be a very long day at the park.

"What are we going to do?" I asked once I saw the park in view and I saw a grin appear on her face. Oh, god no! I'm not playing that game.

"Hide and seek!" She yelled jumping up into the air and a few strangers stared at her.

"Would you quiet." I whispered to her and she giggled. "And why? We're fourteen." I said and she crossed her arms and glared at me.

"I'm fifteen remember, my birthday was last month." Amy said.

"Oh, sorry....but come on were teens. Why hide and seek?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Because it's fun." She told me and I groaned.

"Fine." I mumbled and she smiled quickly before grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the park.

"LIZZY!" Amy then yelled waving to Lizzy and two guys standing next to her. Once we got to where they were, I looked at the guys I never met nor seen before. One had light brown hair, and blue eyes, he was wearing a blue t-shirt, jeans, work boots, and a belt buckle with a deer on it. The other kid had dark brown hair, and blue eyes, he was wearing a black t-shirt, a cowboy hat, jeans, and work boots. They looked at me for a long minute before the kid wearing the cowboy hat grinned.

"Hey guys I want you to meet my mom's friend's aunt's sons." Lizzy said pointing to them and then they both smiled.

"What's their names." Amy asked and Lizzy pointed to the kid with the cowboy hat.

"This is Hunter." She said and then pointed to the other kid. "And that's Gunner." She said and then she turned to me and Amy, "There brothers also." She added and Amy kept looking at Hunter. I had to say they were good looking, but I still like Tyler.

"Hi, ladies." Hunter then said and Amy giggled, oh god.

"Hello Kim." Gunner then said and I turned to him quickly just then Hunter whacked him upside the head. Then Hunter whispered something to him and Gunner smacked his forehead.

"How'd you know my name?" I asked and Hunter sighed.

"Lizzy already told us your guys names but Gunner being the idiot he is, didn't ask nicely what your name was." Hunter said and I nodded my head slowly. Ok, then.

"Her name is Kimberly not Kim." Amy then said and Hunter nodded his head.

"That too long of a name, 'Kim' is better." Gunner said rubbing the back of his head and I looked at then curiously.

"You guys remind me of a kid I met." I said thinking of Tyler and they turned to me with eyebrows raised.

"Of who?" Hunter then asked.

"A kid named Tyler." I said and they turned looking at each other.

"I don't know any guys named Tyler." Hunter said and I nodded my head sadly.

"Come on lets play!" Amy then said and Gunner's head shot up.

"I'm so in!" Gunner then said and Hunter smacked his forehead.

"Lizzy counts." Hunter mumbled patting Lizzy's head and Lizzy mumbled something before putting her hands over her eyes and started counting. "Follow me." Hunter then said quickly and he grabbed my wrist and started to walk away from Lizzy. I followed him for about two minutes into the middle of the huge park where it was mostly trees.

"Where are we going?" I asked and I heard him chuckled. Then he stopped and turned to me.

"Ok, stay here. Lizzy will never find you here." Hunter then said and I looked around, all I really saw were trees.

"I don't know I might get-"

"No ya won't." He said and then he patted my head. "Stay here." He said and I nodded my head slowly and he ran off.

Ten minutes passed and Lizzy hasn't found me yet which is surprising because she can find us quickly. I sighed and kicked some leaves that were on the ground. I then pulled out my phone from my back pocket and started to play games. I wonder if Lizzy has found the others yet? We always have someone else count because Lizzy is a good finder but I wonder if she would ever think to find me here. Why did I even follow Hunter into here?

"This is crazy." I said shoving my phone back into my pocket and looked around. I decided to walk around and see if I can find my way out. Then I stopped when I heard a stick breaking. I froze but then looked down and notice I stepped on a stick, ok I have to stop over reacting. "I so stu-"But I was interrupted when another stick broke. Ok that couldn't be me, I didn't even move. Oh, goodness please it isn't a large meat eating animal. "Who's there?" I asked turning around but there was nothing. It might of been a bird or squirrel I thought. I exhaled a shakily breath and turned around.


"Tyler." I whispered.

"Yes it's me." He said grinning slightly and I managed a smile.

"My god what are you doing here?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders, then he came over and engulfed me into one of his hugs. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. I can't believe he's here......Why is he here? "Why?" I then asked and I felt him exhale a breath.

"Because........... I love you." He whispered into my ear and I laughed a little.

"I-I love you too." I said looking up at him and he grinned.

"I know." He said shrugging his shoulders and I narrowed my eyes at him.

Way to ruin the moment Tyler.



Yay the story is over and ready for the WATTY AWARDS! So PLEASE COMMENT FAN and VOTE!!!!!!!

I was laughing at the end mostly at the last sentence, I love Tyler, he's a funny character.

Please comment fan and vote.

Sadly I won't make a sequel, just saying. THANKS AND ONCE AGAIN





That Camping Trip (old version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें