Chapter 10

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I know this chapter is short too but I have to get this finished so yay go read.


Tyler's POV

(A week after Kimberly left)


"Come on bud, it's one girl. Anyways she lives in the city." Hunter said and I sighed sitting back in the couch. Hunter is a idiot when it comes to stuff like this, but he's super smart with the gun stuff, his dad owns a gun shop in town, and both Hunter and Gunner work there. They're actually brothers too, Hunter and Gunner. Hunter haves dark brown hair which he keeps hidden under a cowboy hat he's wearing and then Gunner have light brown hair. They're the same height of five foot eleven and same color eyes, which are blue.

"Man, Hunter ya don't know anythin' 'bout girls." Gunner said smacking Hunter upside the head knocking his cowboy hat off.

"None of you guys do, Kim is different, so hard-headed but sweet and cute." I said and the guys laughed.

"Why didn't we get tah meet her?" Hunter said and I glared at him.

" 'cause for one, you guy are idiots." I said grinning and they then glared at me.

" Mean, Tyler." Gunner said and I shrugged my shoulders.

" Just statin' thee facts." I said and then Hunter whacked me upside the head.

" Get her out of your mind, your not goin' to see her again." Hunter said and I sighed.

"Not going to happen." I told him and he smacked his forehead shaking his head.

"So, what are goin' to do? Find her home and show up with a giant smile on your face." Gunner said and I turned to slowly and ginned .

" I just might do that." I said and Gunner looked at me confused.

"Gunner that would have to be the smartest thing that ever came out of your mouth today." Hunter said patting Gunner's shoulder and Gunner smiled but then it faded away.

"HEY!" He said and Hunter and me laughed at him.

"Don't tell me your still talking about that girl Tyler." My mom said coming down from the stairs and I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, boy you have to stop thinking about her, your might never going to see her again."My mom said and I glared at her.

"Thanks for thee support mum." I said with sarcasm and she rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen. We were quiet for a minute until I remembered something. "Hey mum!?" I yelled and I heard something drop in the kitchen which made me chuckle. She gets scared so easily that is not even funny.

"WHAT?" My mom said annoyed.

"Ya have a sister in the city right?" I asked and she walked out her to the living room looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, why?" She asked and I grinned. She looked at me before she sighed and nodded her head. "Let me call her." She said walking back into the kitchen.

"Thanks mum." I told her and Hunter turned to me.

"Isn't the closest city like two hours away?" Hunter asked and I nodded my head.

"Yup, and Kim told me she lives 'bout two hours away from here." I said and Gunner shook his head.

"And how are ya goin' to find her?" Gunner asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'll find her."


Yes I know it's a short chapter but I have to finish this story soon cause I entered it in the watty awards and it haves to be done soon.

That Camping Trip (old version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz