“That’s not fair, please Andy. I’m begging. I need it, racing is in my blood.” I said dramatically, waving my one good arm around.

    “No, besides you’re gimpy. You’d slow me down.”

    “At least let me go hang out today while you test.” I made my puppy dog eyes at him I could tell my his face that he was about to crack.

    “You have to sit out of everyone’s way.”

    “Of course.” I smiled victoriously. “Now get out I’ve got to change.”

    “Meet me there you’ll make me late.” He wrote down the address on a piece of paper and left.

    Whether my parents, my brother or anyone liked it or not I am going to race again. The feeling it gives me is better than any drug there is, not that I’ve done drugs or anything. But the feeling I get when I am flying down the track at one-hundred-fifty mph is just how I image being high feels. All my senses are heightened and its pure ecstasy. I stripped out of my shorts and t-shirt and pulled on the team racing suit my brother had given me when he was at the x-games last summer. It was black and green and had his sponsors names plastered over it. I pulled it half way up and left it at my waist. And then pulled a black tank top on. It was hotter than Hades out and there is no way I could wear it normally. Plus I looked super cute and it showed off how skinny and tone I am.

    I walked up to the tent that was set up with my brothers car under it. My brother as well as several other men in matching racing suits were working on the car. One of Andy’s fellow racers was leaning against a tool box and talking to my brother. The man had brown hair and hazel eyes, and the cutest smile. He wore a racing suit with the rockstar logo on the front. I scrunched my nose. No racing and no boys. No racing and no boys. No racing and no boys I chanted this over and over in my head. Plus I’m sure he is too old for me. I walked into the work area.

    “Hey Andy.” I spoke softly, my brother almost bumped his head coming out from under the car.

    “Hey Whit” he huffed “could you no cover up a little more?”

    “Um no.” I scoffed “do you know how hot it is out here? Besides have you tried to get dressed with a broken collar bone? More minimal is better” Andy rolled his eyes but didn’t press the subject.

    “Guys this is Whitney my little sister. She will try and work on my car, don’t let her.” I groaned when he added the part about not letting my work on his car.

    “Tanner Foust.” the man leaning against the tool box came over to me and extended his had. I shook it.

    “Whitney Hale.” I returned.

    “So what’d you do to your arm?” he asked.

    “Car wreck.”

    “You should see the footage she got on her dash cam. Sickest wreck I’ve ever seen.” My brother interjected, I shrugged to the best of my abilities with my hurt collarbone.

    “I doubt it compares to some of mine.” Tanner argued.

    “She flipped like twenty times and only stopped flipping because the tree line stopped her.” My brother exaggerated slightly.

    “Are you two really fighting about who has had the worst wreck?” I asked. Boys are so dumb.

    “Pull up the footage show Tanner. You’re going to piss your pants just watching, Tinkerbelle.” Andy said towards Tanner.

    I rolled my eyes but pulled my phone and found the footage. I pressed play and handed it to Tanner. The sounds were horrific enough and I had my own mental image of what had happened. I watch Tanner make contort this face in pain throughout the video. When it came to an end he handed the phone back to me.

Drifting Away (Tanner Foust)Where stories live. Discover now