Is It True

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I run upstairs to my room and slam the door shut. Running into my closet I hide in the corner and hug my stuffed lion Sabrina gave me. Tears fall off my eyes again and I start shaking. I can hear footsteps come up the stairs and stop outside my door. I really don't want to talk. I just want someone to hold me and say it's all not true.
"Rosy can I come in?" Sabrina softly asks knocking on the door.
I run out of the closet and open the door. Flinging myself into Sabrina's arms I break down crying. I feel her pick me up and walk somewhere. I don't know where because I have my head buried in her neck. She puts me on something soft and detaches herself from me.
"Rosy what's going on with you today?" She asks wiping my tears away.
I avoid her gaze and play with my fingers. They seem very interesting at the moment. But they are shaking a mile a minute. I fight with myself for a while before giving in.
"Is it true?" I croak.
I peek up from my hands to see a confused Sabrina looking at me. I take a deep breath and look her straight in the eye.
"I heard Anthony say that I wasn't supposed to be born. That mommy and dad had me by accident," I gulped trying not to cry.

My heart dropped from my chest. She heard Anthony say that. No wonder she ran upstairs when they came down. Sadness washed over me than anger. Why would you say that to my sister. I looked down at Rosy to see someone else. I saw a small insecure girl that was frighten. She just wanted someone to hold her and protect her.
"Come her my little lion," I smiled opening my arms to her.
I call her my little lion cause she calls me Simba. I pick her up and kiss her head. A small giggle escapes from her mouth. She covers her mouth with her small hands. I smile down at her. We walk downstairs and into the living room. Rosy squirms in my arms but I hold her tight.
"Shannon I found some very interesting information that Anthony said today. Would you like to hear it?" I grit giving Anthony a death stare.
Shannon looks at Sarah than Rosy than me and Anthony.
"He told our sister that she wasn't supposed to be born. That mom had her by accident," I bluntly state.
Sarah drops her fork in the ground and Peyton's cup shatters from holding it too tight. The whole room is silent. Sarah holds Peyton's arm so he doesn't attack him.
"Well it isn't true you know. Mom got drunk and had her. I told mom just put her up for adoption but she said no. I don't see any problem here," Shannon matter of factly spit back.
I just stood there appalled. How can you say that to your own sister.

Sabrina let me down but didn't move. This is all my fault. I knew the minute I came into this family I upturned things. I walked down the steps into the basement and walked into the recording room. I closed the door behind me and started singing lost boy by Ruth B
There was a time
When I was alone
No place to go
My only friend was the man in the moon
But even sometimes he would go away too
Than one night as closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweeties smile
Told me he wanted to talk for a while
Peter Pan that's what the call me
I promise you'll never have to be lonely
And ever since that day
I am lost girl from neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And we were board we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
Run run they say to me
Neverland is home to lost girls like me
And lost girls me are free...
I fade the last line out and slide against the wall. Why does everyone hate me. I could hear my stomach grumble but I stayed put. I'll just eat tomorrow. If there will be a tomorrow.

My blood boiled in my chest. Why how could Anthony say that. Rose was like a little sister to me. I got up from the couch and picked up the glass pieces and threw them in the kitchen sink.
"I NEVER WANTED HER AS A SISTER ANYWAY!" Shannon yelled from the living room.
I rushed back in to see her yelling at Sabrina. I rush over to her and cover her in a big hug. I feel protective over Sarah, Sabrina and rose. This was supposed to be Sabrina's night. But Shannon just has to ruin it like always. I rub my hand up and down Sabrina's back swaying side from side. I could feel tears run down her face onto my shirt.
"Why don't you too just leave and go back to Philadelphia ok," I calmly interject taking matters into my own hands.
Shannon and Anthony walk out of the house and drive away in their blue jeep. I look down to Sabrina to see her silently crying. I lift her chin and wipe away the tears careful not to smudge her makeup. I kiss her on the forehead and give her a tight squeeze.
"Somehow Sarah you manage to pick the best boyfriend ever," Sabrina lightly giggles.
Sarah comes over and pecks me on the nose. I wrap them in one big hug and smile down at them.

I look around the recording booth at the different equipment set up. I see my stuffed tiger and quickly reach out for it. It's getting dark out but I don't want to back upstairs. But I'm terrified of the dark. I squeeze my eyes shut and hug my knees to make myself small as possible so the shadows don't get me. The lights turn on and I can hear three pairs of footsteps coming down. I crawl over to the far corner of the booth so they can't see me. Someone hits the playback button and my voice starts to play. My face goes ghost white.
"Rose I know your in the booth. No ones going to hurt you we just want to talk to you," Peyton talks through the mic.
I hesitate before getting up and walking out of the booth. I stand as far away from them as I can not wanting to get hurt anymore. The small tiger is dangling from my small hands as I sway back and forth. I look at my toes moving side from side writing my name with them.
"Rosy can you look at me?" Sarah calmly ask walking up to me.
I step back a little afraid of what she'll do. I feel someone put their fingers on my chin and lift it up. Sabrina and Sarah are kneeling down in front of me looking into my eyes. I gulp some air and move a little closer. But than remember what I caused. I step back against the wall and look down.

Rose backs away from us hitting the wall. She hangs her head and refuses to look at us. What is going on with her. Have I been that caught up in my music to not see changes in my baby sister. Peyton slowly walks over to her and kneels down so he is face level with her.
"Hey Rosy posy, can you lift your head so I can see those beautiful eyes?" Peyton ask rubbing Rosy's arm.
Slowly she lifts her hand and looks at us. Tears are hanging off her eyelashes waiting to be set free. I give her a big smile and nod my head. Her tiny feet run over to us and engulfs Sarah and I into a massive hug. Peyton comes up from behind us and hugs us all in one big hug. I remember Rosy's singing and get up from the hug.
"Rose you never told me you can sing. Why didn't you tell anyone about this," I ask pointing to the playback.
She lifts her head and shrugs her shoulders. I feel like there is more to it though.

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