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As I squirmed around debating with myself whether I should go on a rampage and break free from this place,when I noticed that the female was up as well and was staring at me.
We stared at each other for a while when she finally said something.

"D-do y-yo-u kn-ow wha-what is go-going on?" She highly stuttered still looking at me. So this is how a female sounds.

"I-I d-do-don't kn-ow, I d-don't re-reme-remember an-any-anything." I replied stuttering as well.

Wow I am amused by how I sound. I feel a little happy knowing what my voice is like. Its a little coarser than the female's and is low pitched just like a teen boy....wait! I just realised that I might be a male from what I seem to know. Very well I guess. So now I know my gender as well. Anyways I think we are not able to talk properly because probably we have not talked for a long time or maybe because we are talking for the first time?

We both tried to adjust how we talked and slowly we were able to talk properly and smoothly. We tried to recall what might have happened which resulted in us ending up here that to in this condition.

"Shall we be stuck here forever?" She said looking a little scared.

I try to nod and reply,"Maybe...."

Just then a high tech door thingie appeared on one of the walls and as it slid opened, I half expected an alien to enter. Well considering our situation that's what I assumed, like who just wakes up to see weird impossible things happening to them?

"Oh, so you both did wake up eh? Good for you because if you didn't,the organisation was going to discard you guys ." said a red haired older looking female whom we perhaps can call a lady who entered the room carrying something which looked like clothes.

"W-who are you and what do you mean by discard? Where are we and how did we get here? Why am I in this strange machine? And....." I was saying as I got interrupted by the lady.

"You sure ask a lot of question to someone you just met." She says as she comes towards me and does something which i cant see due to the headgear thing but I am freed of the uncomfortable machinery.

"Thank you for freeing me! Are you perhaps....the creator of the world?" I say looking at my saviour who goes on to free the girl.

"Gosh! You sure are one flattering little thing! No dear I'm not God and you both need to wear some clothes. Humans don't roam around undressed." She says passing us the clothes she had brought.

"Humans?So we are indeed humans.." Said the girl sighing.

"Can you both walk or rather can you stand?"said the lady helping the girl wear her clothes.

But unfortunately our legs felt like thin sticks which could break easily. So the lady prepared wheelchairs for us.

"You both will be given your own rooms later, but right now we will keep you under observation since you're still as frail as a new born and need all those wire wounds to be healed. Moreover you both still don't know many things and probably won't be able to do necessary tasks and will be needing a lot help and training. So let's get going. I will tell you all the other details on the way."

And with that we were taken out of the white lonely room. The room where we started. As I looked back at the room, fading away in the distant, I looked forward, forward to the future as my world seemed to expand. A bright beginning!

(End of flashback)


Well I know this part must have seemed a little boring but hey! It was an important part for our protagonist so I just had to write it!!

So finally the gender's out! He's a bro dude!haha! So how many of you guessed it right?

Well what do you think must have happened next? How do you think these teen infants must have handled themselves and grew back in a few day? Stay tuned to follow them on their new highschool life as well as their brand new life!

And ya don't forget to vote! Like its only normal right?

Until next time!💚

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