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After three days without a sign of Niska, we all grew impatient and worried. I knew that my parents at home were worried about me. But who was worried most, was probably Leo.

When I woke up this morning at the crack of dawn, he was sitting with the back against the wall, staring straight ahead. He had been sitting like this already, when I had been going to sleep. I wondered whether he had slept at all.

He looked like he could deal with some company, so I went over to him. Mia and Max were still charging.

We just sat there with no one saying a word. Leo looked quite down and I wanted to make him feel better, but what could I do?

Breaking the silence would have been a good start but on a scale of small talk anything that came to my mind would be rating minus big time and I just couldn't bring myself to make a shallow comment when he was in this state of mind.

I was surprised when it was him who spoke first. "I remember Niska teaching me how to read." It wasn't small talk, it was his personal memories. That surprised me even more. "I wasn't good at it at first."

"Well, no one is."

"I was really impatient."

"Yeah I can imagine that." The words left my mouth before I had the chance to reconsider them. Leo stared at me for a second, then smiled. Relieved he didn't take my comment the wrong way, I smiled back.

"I wanted to plunk it down," he went on, "but she wouldn't let me. She was determined. She practised it with me again and again until I got better. When Niska wants something, she sticks to it. She never gives up."

We sat in silence for another moment, but it was way more comfortable than earlier. He seemed to be deep in thoughts. I wasn't even sure whether he was still aware of my presence. When he started speaking again, it seemed more like a monologue to himself. Although . . . maybe he hadn't forgotten that I was listening. Maybe that was just why he was talking.

I remembered what he told me once —that he needed to show someone what was inside him. I wanted to be that someone. I didn't know why, but I wanted to be the one he revealed himself to, I wanted to take the burden from him, all the crystal clear memories that were haunting him.

"Niska and I," he said, "we were always the ones who argued most. But that doesn't mean we didn't get along, you know. Niska is good at arguing. It's weird but I think I enjoyed it. We both did."

I knew what he was talking about. "Maybe that's just the thing about brothers and sisters. I would miss arguing with Toby, I think."

He looked at me. "Maybe it's time for you to go back to your family. You're lucky enough to have them all together."

"First I'm helping you to find Niska," I said determined. "I promised."

"I've just not the slightest idea where to look for her." He ran his fingertips through his hair, a gesture that expressed how desperate he was.

"Let me think," I mumbled. "If anyone knows where she could be, it's you. You know her, Leo. Just think about it. Where would she go? Building up a synth army obviously didn't work, so what would she do?"

His forehead wrinkled when he thought about it. "Probably hide somewhere and think of a plan."

"Hide where?"

"Maybe she went back to London."

"Does she know any places? Where did she hide the time after she escaped the brothel?"

"She was out on the streets, but the police were looking for her so I told her to . . . of course! That's it!" His whole face lightened up. "It's the only safe place where she could be!" He jumped up. "Come on, we need to tell Mia and Max!"

Five steps away he turned again to look at me. "Thank you, Mattie."

I smiled and stood up to follow him. Something told me we were on the right track. We would find her. We would get the program back and think of what to do with it. After we had cleaned the mess she had been making.

Our adventure was only about to begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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