Brave Frontier

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This is a screenshot from my iPad so the image might be a bit big

Yup, we're back to the games. Brave Frontier is a RPG like game where you battle with umm, spirits? I'm not sure what they are, but as far as I know from randomly reading the wiki (sorry for the spoilers), all of the heroes (your starters) die (at least according to the short blurb you get when you summon or evolve a spirit.) Right now Brave Frontier is doing a collaboration with Phantom of the Kill, a 17+ game you can download on the App Store. I haven't played the latest update but I believe like all collaborations you will be able to get characters from Phantom of the Kill in Brave Frontier. The game itself is very fun and you will be able to play without spending any money. In fact, everyday they give you so much leveling up units I have 30 of them lying in my inbox just waiting to expire. Now, onto the Pros and Cons!

Pros: if you like anime or manga styled art, then this is the game for you! the characters are all drawn in anime style and they each have their own story that accompanies the story-line as well as actual reasons for fighting with you. The Pixie Leore was a a human raised by the Pixies while Pikeman Lance (the earth starter) ultimately becomes consumed by his weapon (at least that's what i think happened).

Cons: One of the complaints I have (and the only one) about the art is that none of the characters have mouths, and that makes all the characters look creepy. Maybe they thought adding a mouth would ruin the design or something, but in my opinion not having a mouth is just plain creepy, even for a game. Also, it takes waaaaay too long to complete an update. I updated my game yesterday and it took 3 hours. Yep, 3 whole hours. It could be my internet connection or the fact that my iPad automatically locks if i leave it for 10 minutes but putting my iPad right next to my router didn't work, so I think its the game.

Note: This recommendation is shorter than other ones and I haven't been updating lately so sorry about that. I've been really busy because of my art assignment so I wasn't able to update as often. I'll update a few chapters at once to make up for the lack of updates sometime next week. Anyways, I'll try what Flygo72 told me to. @Flygo72. So, whats gonna happen now?

Edit 1: Oh I just realized it was supposed to be behind the username. Flygo72

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