Colour Switch

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Well, so as requested by Flygo72 (also because I want to) here is my second recommendation; colour switch

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Well, so as requested by Flygo72 (also because I want to) here is my second recommendation; colour switch. Yes, that game that's rumoured to be the next flappy bird (I personally like colour switch better because my high score in flappy bird is like 4). It features a ball that can only go through its own colour. If it touches any other colour it will die. Right now there are 16 different game modes (it's still updating) including (in no particular order) Control, Turn, Challenge, Reverse and Races. There are so much different game modes that you will start to doubt whether it's still a ball moving through obstacles. Some of the levels are frustrating and will make you want to punch something (or someone), but when you feel like doing that, play that mode again from level 1 and you will calm down.

I actually like this game because it doesn't annoy you to no end with notifications. When I play Piano Tiles, I get notifications about gifts every 5 minutes. Now, for the pros and cons:

Pros: there a lot of modes, and there are endless modes too, so you won't run out of things to do in this game.

Cons: when you first start the game, the game lags a lot. When the ads appear the game lags. When they disappear the game lags. What I mean by lag is that when you click on the screen, it doesn't register your action and often causes a game over. The pop up ads are also a problem. They pop up right after you finish a game so you can't avoid clicking on it.

Neutral: this can be a pro or con depending on what you think. The updates vary for iOS and android. For android, the updates are slow, but when they update the app multiple game modes are added at once. For the iOS version, updates are more frequent but they release 1 mode at a time.

Question 1: If you have heard about Colour Switch, how did you first hear about it? I first heard about it at school because everyone was playing it. Reply in the comments (that's what everyone says).

Note: I will be posting Questions like this one in the near future so um reply in the comments?
So, I came up with a better update speed; I'll be considering updating it 5 times a week. Do you guys prefer one update every 2 days or 5 times a week? For the 5 times a week it works like the pound in Chicken Smoothie: it updates randomly! Anyways, tell me which one you prefer in the comments or something. Until next time! (In 2 days)

Chapter completion date: 18/06/2016

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