Jumping off

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Nina attached her CV to the online application form for the position of receptionist at "Schischule Alpengluehen" and hit the sent button - she was done dithering. Even though she was successful in her high profile Personal Assistant role she felt bored like she was biding time, treading water till she could head off on her annual skiing holiday. Who was she kidding - all her annual leave entitlement got taken between December and April. In fact every time she filed a holiday request form, the lady in HR asked "So which resort are you skiing this time?" - it was like a running joke.

Nina looked out of the window of her first floor flat in Duesseldorf's Friedrichstadt, the grey main street with the traffic being stationary during the never ending rush hour, the people shielding their heads against the perpetual, grey drizzle, rushing towards appointments, always on the clock.

When she closed her eyes she saw snowy mountains, she saw long runs snaking down the mountain face, firn trees sugar coated by snow, shiny gondolas and rustic mountain huts.

Anyway, she had to get ready to meet her friend Anna for a coffee. Standing in front of her bathroom mirror Nina run her brush through her dark brown, long straight hair , applied a little bit of BB cream to her ivory complexion to even out her skin tone, enhanced her dark blue eyes with a bronzy cream eyeshadow and her favourite Smashbox mascara, slicked on some lip balm, grabbed her trusty Jeans Jackett and headed out of the door.

"Finally" sighed Anna as Nina burst through the door of the Italian ice cream parlour, more than a few heads turning and eyes following the tall brunette with the sporty figure, 5.10 in her stockinged feet, as she made her way to the back and let her jacket glide on to the back of her chair in one fluent motion as she sat down.

"I've done it . I've sent the application for the job in that Austrian ski resort in. Keep your fingers crossed for me!"

Anna took a sip of her iced chocolate "I can't believe you actually did it. I know you are a skiing nut and that you are fed up with big city living. But aren't you jumping the gun. I get that you want to change things around you since Gideon left you for that dizzy blonde. But come on that is kind of drastic don't you think?"

"Well, nothing might come of it. My CV hardly screams season worker and I'm sure there are a lot of local girls perfectly qualified for the position but I just felt that I needed to go for it, to give myself the chance."

"Anyway, Anna enough about my quarter life crisis... tell me about your latest exploits on that weird online dating app you have joined!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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