... And this is how it starts

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Being 18 and living with your parents can kinda suck.. Especially when you decided to put off collage and work for a year. I just graduated and now that summers over the majority of my friends went off to collage.

Also not to mention my step-dads a twat. He thinks he has full control of my life when he wasn't even around for half of it. He thought I should just go to collage right after high school, but I wanted to get a little more money before that. He acts like he cares about me going to collage, he just wants me out of his house. Oh, and I want out so bad. Every single day he just talks about how much of a disappointment I am to him.

Today was to be an easy day, I had work at noon until six.. Then me and my friend, ally are going to a party. I also get to sneak that part around my parents, they'd be pissed if they knew I was gonna go out and probably get drunk. Like most parents would. So I'm still acting like I'm 15 and telling them I'm going to a sleepover at ally's house. I can't wait to move out.

I get up from my bed and look in the mirror, my bleached white, kinda grey hair was pretty messy. Deciding to have white hair was a lot more maintenance than I thought. It still looked pretty cool, and yes. My parents hate it.

I brush through my hair and but it up in a bun, then do my eye brows and put on some concealer. I work at a book/ record store so this look is pretty usual for workers. I throw on some leggings and a white tank top with a black cardigan over that then pairing it with some black combat boots. This was pretty much my signature look.

I walk down the stairs into the kitchen where my moms making sandwiches for her and my step-dad. I usually refrain from talking to my parents cos it always ends up in some kinda argument.

I open the fridge and grab a Powerade and then leave.

Work was extremely uneventful. Just re stocking books, records, helping people find specific books or something. It's now about 5:45 and the store is never really busy at this time so I decide to text ally.

" hey when's the party start?" I text her, she replies pretty quickly.

" 7:30 ish" she says back. I put my phone up and decide to get my things together sense no ones in the store and I've only got a few more minuets.

I walk over to my co-workers station

" hey jaz." I say sitting on the table.

" Victoria I literally just finished cleaning that table."

Jaz says rolling her eyes at me. Me and jaz went to high school together and both kinda have the same idea with collage and making money before we go. She's much better of a person than me, I don't think she's ever gotten in trouble by anyone.

" what are your Friday plans?" I ask crossing my legs.

" a lot of staying at home and being good. I suppose your doing the exact opposite?" She asks

" Yeppp. There's a party tonight and me and ally are going. You should come!" I say

" oh, no. I'm not going to that party. I've already heard about it." She waves me off.

" fine, but if you get to bored just text me. I'm heading out." I say hopping off the table and giver jaz a wave as I clock out.

When I get back to my house it's about 6:10 so I decide to get ready at ally's place so I pack all my makeup and whatever else I'll need to get ready in a bag and head for the door.

" where are you going?" I hear my step dad call from behind me.

" ally's. Remember?" I say already losing patience.

You are the drug of my choice // Matty Healy ( completed )Where stories live. Discover now