Chapter 1

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Oak Boy, meet Kandy


"Kennedy!" I slammed my notebook down and quickly acted as if I were listening. Mr. Ford looks at me anxiously waiting for the answer to the question on the bored.
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt who was married to his very distant cousin Elenour Roosevelt who was also cousins with Theodore."
"And what did he die from."
"Polio sir, he's the main reason of the secret tunnels and hideaways in the white house."
"Correct Ms. Smyth! Well do-" Mr. Ford gets cut off by the slamming of a door. Everybody's head snapped in the direction of the door and there lied a boy, a white boy.

 Everybody's head snapped in the direction of the door and there lied a boy, a white boy

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Our eyes meet for a brief minute before I snap my head away and glare. He looks a bit taken back but replaces it with an anxious look. "State your name son. " Mr. Ford speaks again.
"Oakley Holt sir." He speaks with his deep, raspy voice. I roll my eyes hearing and seeing that these hoes aren't afraid to show they got the hots for him sighing a lustful sigh, melting and plotting how to bang them.
"Okay Mr. Holt, go sit beside...." His eyes trail over non-vacant seats until he sees the one right behind me. Just friggin' great. Eye daggers are thrown from the stupid Barbie's and fakes at me but I soon give them the 'I-Dare-You' look, and now they look like they just shitted their pants. I chuckle and so does the new tree, Oak Boy. I throw another glare at him and he stops chuckling.
"M'kay class, now where-" Mr. Ford gets cut off by the bell signaling class change.

"Oh Kennedy, Oakley please stay for a brief moment." I pick up my things and wait for Oak Boy to scramble his stuff together.

"Yes Mr. Ford?" We simultaneously say then look at each other weirdly.

"Well Kennedy, I need you to show Oakley around Boston. I'm not asking I'm telling."

"Well yes sir." I grumble.

"Thank you very much Kennedy you two may now be dis-" Mr. Ford get cuts off again by the late bell. "I'll call Mrs. Silva and tell her you two were with me." He says as he types away on his computer.
The rest of the day was a blur. Turns out ,Oak boy and I have every A day class together, even the same electives! I hope it isn't like that tomorrow. In all of my classes all he did was play with my curls or stare at me while I'd talk to Chaztyn and Africa. He even sat beside me while Africa would make hearts and Chaztyn would kissy noises. Now, it was time for me to show him around the school the parts he didn't know.

"Ya know, they should've taken you here yesterday to tour the school today being Monday and all, You seriously could've had a private tour from 9 to 11." I say as blunt as possible.

"Tell that to my mother, she insisted that I get a tour by a student after hours." He replies in the same tone. For almost an hour, we walk in almost complete silence except for me explaining and showing him every room up and downstairs. I let out a sigh and hear my stomach grumble.

"Wanna grab something from Johnny Rockets?" I ask and hold my stomach.

"What's that?" He asks.

"A 50's themed burger, hot dog, and shake restaurant." I reply.

"Let's go, we can ride in my car then come back to get your car." He tries to negotiate.

"Um, no." I disagree, "We can stop and take your car home, then you can ride with me since you don't know where it is oak boy."

"Okay that'll be best Kandy." He nervously chuckles we both hop into our separate cars driving to his house. As we turn into Legacy Hopes, I take notice as in this is my neighborhood. We turn into the same road I live on, really strange. I'd rather have him live across the street to live right next to mine, he puts his car into park and my eyes widen. His house, it's right next to mine.

First chapter sucked don't it, I know.
Anyways, if you liked it, vote, comment, add to your reading list, share, I don't care. Hey that rhymed! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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