"Rachel seems to be pretty popular tonight; Reid said she was staying over there with you." Sam shakes her head and before she can reply Conner walks over to Reid on the couch where he was sitting hunched over with his elbows resting on his knees now. Sam was right behind him as Reid turn around. "What?" Reid asks as he glances at Sam. "What are you doing here? Where's Rachel? Is she okay?"

"I don't know, Reid. I came over here to see if she was here, I thought maybe the two of you talked and made up."

"Made up? What the hell did you do? Did you run Rachel off so you could have your fun with this bitch? I've seen the way you two ogle each other." Conner grabs Reid by the collar and spins him around pinning him against the wall. Reid makes that angry face of his, pursing his lips together as his angry eyes fire up. Reid grabs Conner's hand and twists it causing him to release his shirt. He walks over to Sam waiting for her to continue, "Her bag is still on the porch but she's not been there. Cearra was waiting for her all day but she never showed."

"Can't be," Reid tells her, "I watched her walk over there. I know she was there." Conner and Darrick grab their weapons and were now standing behind Reid ready to go. Reid turns to Lisa, "You were the last person to see her, do you know where she went? Which direction she headed?"

"She walked in the general direction of Rose's house." Reid and Darrick stare at each other, "The armory. She went to get a weapon at least." Reid says as the three men walk out the door. Sam glares at Lisa, her anger boiled when she first saw her sitting on the couch until she saw her face. She put two and two together and she couldn't help the crooked smile that crept onto her face. 'That's my girl, kicked her ass good.' Sam thought to herself.

I walk these streets again. Thinking about Reid, his sad eyes, his tear filled apology. I couldn't just walk away from him, could I? No matter what he's done or said I still loved him, love him. After all he's the father of my children, all four of them. Our bond is deeper than that though. I couldn't keep this little secret from him, hell in a few short months I won't be able to keep the secret from anybody. In a few months it won't be such a little secret anymore, either. I now stood over the spot where I took Paul's life, twice. Darrick and Conner have done a hell of a job cleaning up, if a person didn't know any better they'd never believe a murder took place here. A dread comes over me now and the smile I didn't realize I was wearing fades. Now that her husband's dead what's to keep her away from Reid? She's single and I just left Reid, freeing him up for her. I spin around looking at the garage attached to her house. She was working hard at something in there so I walk over.

{Lisa's POV} I was cleaning up the broken pieces of my statue in the garage when a shadow crept over me. I look up to see Rachel standing in the garage door. She looks angry, really angry. "Hi," I say cheerily but it was lost on her. She just stands there glaring at me. I kind of figured that this would come eventually. I couldn't exactly hide my attraction to her husband. I feel bad but I just can't help myself. "Can I help you with something?"

"You're attracted to Reid, that much is pretty obvious," she says pausing as I speak. "I was," I start trying to be as convincing as possible, "But when I realized you two were together," she stops me there as she walks closer to me. "That kiss at Deanna's party, has anything more happened between you two?"

I shake my head, "I would never, I couldn't. I was married too." I try to sound shocked by her accusation, like it was the most absurd question anyone had ever asked, "I wouldn't break up a family."

"And now," she asks and I look at her confused, "Now that your husband's dead, by my hand by the way, since you decided to thank Reid for that. I was the one that saved your boy from that asshole." She stares at me for a minute like she was gauging my reaction to her confession. "What will you do about your attraction to Reid now?" She wasn't stupid. I could say the words all I wanted to but the truth was that I was still attracted to him and I couldn't stop those feelings. What would I do? Could I really be that woman, could I break up a family for my own selfish needs? She knew it and I knew it. "Well," she snarls snapping me out of my thoughts. I still had no answer for her. I didn't think it would have mattered anyway what I told her. I raise my gaze from the floor only to realize that she was now inches from my face now. She punches me hard knocking me down to the ground. Before I can recover she falls on me and throws another punch. Punch after punch she just keeps on in a fury until at last she rocks back, out of breath. I look over at her through my half swollen shut eyes, she is a blur but I can see her face go from insane rage to a look of sheer terror as she looks back and forth from her bloodied fist to me. As if she couldn't believe that she had actually done this. She stands slowly still in shock at what had just unfolded. I flinch waiting for the next blow until I notice a tear in her eye. "I," she starts slowly, backing away from me, "I, I, I'm so sorry." She turns and runs out the door and down the street. I stand myself up walking into the bathroom to clean up. I stare at my battered face in the mirror, thinking about her words, thinking of my answer to her last question. Her reaction when she realized what she had done to me. I could tell that that wasn't really her, that she must have been fighting a losing battle with some major rage. I know I deserved it too; I was flirting with Reid when I knew it was wrong. I kept doing it, I couldn't blame her, I pushed her to this and if I'm being honest with myself I probably would have harbored the same feelings if Reid were mine and I were in her shoes. I thought about all of this for the rest of the day. I thought maybe I should just keep my distance from her and Reid but by nightfall all I could think of was Reid's charming features and I wanted to see him again. I knew Rachel would be gone, I heard from someone else in their group that she was moving out. I had to go to him and see where I stood.

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