What's up Reid Davis?

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Darrick sits in the back seat with Conner who sits there quietly staring out the window.  Reid keeps looking in the rear-view mirror at Conner.  The car rolls up to the gates of what used to be Saint Joe.  They were open and zombies were crawling all over the place.  "Well this is a bust," Reid said.

Conner snorts, "You cleared out that prison and you're scared of this?"  He opens the door and steps out.  Conner walks straight for a dead one with his arms stretched out like he was going to give it a big bear hug.  When he was close enough the walker lunges for him and Conner swings his right hand around and sticks his blade through the eye socket of the zombie with a juicy squirt.  Conner laughs and turns to the car as the others were stepping out.  "Hey y'all gon' join in the fun or just sit in the car like a bunch of pussies?"  Reid rolls his eyes.  Rachel really likes being with this guy?  He's an ass, anybody can see that.  They cut through the zombies with no problems and start searching the empty buildings for supplies.

Reid follows Conner into the first building.  As soon as Darrick and Chi were out of ear shot Reid spoke up, "You really think you're good for Rachel?  Better than me?"  Conner cocked his head to the side and stared at him for a second before answering.

"I thought you were stepping back.  You weren't going to interfere, why do you want to know this now?"

Reid shrugs, "Just didn't know what she could see in a guy like you."   They keep walking looking for anything they might be able to use.  "She's a good woman.  I probably don't deserve her, I'll give you that but she loves me.  I can't tell you why, but you'll screw everything up if you go after her this way."  Reid turns to him and just stares.  He may have a point but still Reid can't seem to help himself.  "What are you gonna do man?  You got this look on your face I've seen hundreds of times watching inmates, you're plotting something."

"Just thinking," Reid says turning his back to Conner.  "Things were great until you showed up and I can see you're not planning on leaving."

"Why would I?  I got my girl back, if she wants me, a safe place to live who in their right minds would want to leave?"  Conner stood there watching Reid who still didn't turn around to face him. 

"You never know what could happen out here, people die all the time on runs.  If you didn't make it back she'd be heartbroken, but don't worry, I'll be there."

"The hell, did you just threaten me dude?  You gonna try to kill me!"  Conner's voice rose with his anger at what he was hearing.  Reid barely turns to look over his shoulder and Conner rushes him knocking him to the ground.  He gets a couple good punches in before Reid throws him off and climbs over on top of Conner.  He is throwing punches wildly as Conner reaches around trying to find anything he can to knock this asshole off him.  His hand finally lands on a wooden stick, like from an old broom or something and he swings it, hitting Reid in the chest.  He stumbles back and Conner is able to stand to his feet.  He starts toward Reid choking that stick up in his hand and preparing to swing it again when Darrick and Chi come running in.  The two men are locked in another small battle when Darrick runs over and pulls Reid off of Conner giving him the chance to rush Reid again.  Chi steps in front of Conner stopping his attack.  "What the hell is wrong with you guys?"  He asks looking at Conner.  Both of the men stand there staring angrily at each other and breathing heavily but neither of them answer Chi's question.    Chi still has his hand on Conner's shoulder, "Come with me," he says as he starts to pull Conner out the door.  Darrick stops him.  "He's my brother, I'll go with him."  Chi watches them leave and then turns to Reid.  "What the hell was that?  Was that about Rachel?  He start it or did you?"  Reid still doesn't answer.  Conner walks away from his brother and up to Reid as he and Chi are deciding what building to search next.  "You could at least try to be nice to me.  I'm not a bad guy, but you better keep your hands off Rachel as long as she's mine or I'll have to show you just what type of man you're dealing with!"

"Baby brother," Darrick called out and motioned to Tony's abode.  Conner followed his brother into the building that Tony had called home. Inside his apartment they found a locked room. "Don't remember this." Conner said looking back at Darrick before stooping down to work on the lock.  Once the lock fell open they walked into the little room to find shelves holding jars with various body parts in them.  All four walls in this room were lined with shelves floor to ceiling.  Darrick started looking at all the different jars, "These ain't from just one or two people.  These are from a whole bunch of different people.  I'm betting souvenirs of people this bastard killed.  What the hell," Darrick said as he looks at the chair in the middle of the room, "He was a sick bastard."

Just then a noise came from behind them. They both turned to see a gate leading into another room.  Conner busted the lock on the gate and swung open the door.  There were a whole mess of dead chained up like dogs in this room.  Darrick walks in and they start snapping at him.  "Creepy ass dog cage huh?" Conner asks.  "I never knew he was keeping them as pets."

        Darrick shakes his head, "We can't just leave them like this."  Conner walks over to the left and Darrick walks over to the right and the brothers quickly dispatch all them.  "Let's get out of here big brother."  They walk outside to see Chi and Reid waiting by the car.

"Where have you two been?" Chi asks, "It's getting dark. We need to get back."

Conner laughs, "Take it easy chinaman, you're actin' like a scared little girl."

Chi glares at him and says, "I'm Vietnamese."

Conner looks at him with a smirk, "Whatever.

The four men load the car up with all the stuff they found and then they climb in.  Darrick is driving now and Chi slides in the passenger seat.  Reid is stuck having to ride in the back with Conner.  Reid stares out the window in silence as they ride back to the prison.  Just before they pull up to the gates of the prison Reid finally utters something.  Conner didn't quite catch what he said so he turns and stares at him hoping he'll repeat it.  "Sorry," Reid finally mumbles.  He turns his head and looks at Conner who obviously didn't catch what he said so Reid clears his throat and starts again, "Sorry.  I lost my head back there, please don't take any of it seriously I just, I was really starting to like her and I don't know how to let go."

"No problem, all's forgiven."  Cearra and Rachel open the gate for them.  Cearra locks the gate behind the car while Rachel runs up to it to see both Reid and Conner in the back seat and alive.  Conner jumps out first and wraps her in his arms.  She stares at Reid over Conner's shoulder.  Reid stands watching the two of them as Rachel softly kisses Conner on the cheek.  "I'm so glad you made it back safe," Rachel told him smiling sweetly, "You guys didn't have any trouble did you?" She glances over at Reid as she notices the scratches and bruises on both the men's faces.  They both just shake their heads no.  Reid sighs and walks into the prison to his cell.  "Is he alright?"

        Conner looks at her, "Why are you so concerned with Reid?"  She looks at him like he is being ridiculous, "Conner, he is a good guy, right Darrick?  How would you feel if you were in his shoes?"  Conner puts his arm around her squeezing her. 

"I guess you've got a point, I'd probably lose my mind if you were in the same building and I knew another guy was the one holding you at night.  You are so smart and you've got a good heart."  He places a kiss on her forehead as they all walk inside.

Conner has his arm around her waist as they walk passed Reid.  He was sitting on his bunk with his head hung low.  Rachel stares at him as they walk by and she feels her heart break for him.  She didn't really know him but in her heart she knew that he wasn't a bad guy.  She knew he was hurting.  "Really?"  Conner says as they reach her cell.

"What?"  She asks staring into those green eyes of his.

"I get back from a run and all you can do is worry about Reid Davis.  Why is that?  You in love with him?"

She laughs, "Conner you're being ridiculous, I barely know him."

"You didn't hear the way he talked to me on this run," Conner told her.

Rachel smiles, "What did he say?"  There was a pause as Conner just dropped his head.  "So you're defending my honor?  How sweet of you babe."  She sways up to him with her arms out and kisses him. He smiles back at her when Reid walks to the door.

"Hey Rachel," he says, "Can I talk to you a minute?" Conner rolls his eyes and then looks into hers, pleading for her not to go with him.

She smiles, "I'll be right back. Wait up for me."

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