Discontinuing the lemons

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Sorry guys, okay? The undertale lemons are now done. I'm not deleting it tho.
Why? I thought the lemons were gross. I didn't like undertale THAT much to write lemons. I just wrote one and then, 3,000 people started watching. I meant to stop, but more kept reading. I feel so bad, writing them, and I would hate if all of my followers were following me just because my ability to write fanfictions of undertale. I want to write different things! Sorry.
I don't know what I'll do now that my life doesn't depend on writing undertale stuff. I am now deleting a few stories I have published. Hopefully you guys love the ones I'm making. I'm actually working on something else right now which is awesome!
A weight has been lifted. You've seen my first official story time, so I'm going to be making that a story soon.
With Wattpad, making an original story and trying to get people to notice it is hard without mentioning a famous game or movie. Hopefully this works out. I just want to do the things I want.
Again, sorry for this. If you were subscribed to me just for undertale, please unsub, unless you want to see what I can really do.

StoryTimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora