Chapter 28

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Ariana looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair and makeup was done, and she's in her prom dress. She smiled at how beautiful she looked. Tonight is prom night, a night to remember before graduation.

"Wow. Look at you, sis."

She turned around and saw Harry who was leaning against the door frame with his hands in his pockets. He was in a tux with a pink bow tie.

"Nice bow tie." Ariana giggled as she walked over to him.

"Selena wanted my bow tie to match her pink dress." He said.

"That's cute." She smiled.

"Ariana, your date is here!" They heard Joan called.

Ariana and Harry both went downstairs and saw Justin who is now blonde. Ariana raised her eyebrows at him and he just smiled.

"Beautiful as always." Justin handed her the corsage.

"I forgot to get you the corsage." She frowned, feeling bad.

"It's fine." He chuckled at her reaction.

"Come on, let's take pictures!" Joan said as she held the camera in front of her face.

Justin put his arm around Ariana's waist as she put her arm around him. Harry just stood next to Ariana with his hands behind his back. After Joan took a couple of pictures she showed them in her camera.

"Harry, you look like the third wheel." Ariana laughed and he playfully rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna go pick up Selena now. I'll see you guys at prom." Harry told them before he left the house.

"Ready?" Justin held his hand out.

Ariana looked down at his hand, then looked up at him with a smile.

"Yes." She nodded, taking his hand in hers.

"Bye, you two have fun!" Joan waved.

Ariana and Justin said their byes before leaving. Justin opened the car door for Ariana and she thanked him, as she got in. He got in after her and started to drive to the school.

Once they got to their school they went to the gym where it was already filled with students and loud music was playing.

Ariana looked around to find her friends, and she spotted Zayn with Niall, Liam, and Louis. She froze when she locked eyes with hazel ones.

Justin noticed and his hand quickly intertwined with Ariana's, causing her to break eye contact.

"Come on, let's dance." He pulled her to the center of the gym where other students were dancing.

Zayn didn't know that he was watching them until Liam tapped his shoulder.

"You alright, mate?" Liam asked.

"I think I need some air." Zayn said before walking away, leaving his friends confused.

"Where is he going?" Louis asked Liam.

"To get some air." Liam answered.

"But we just got here." Niall said, confused.

Tori and Demi walked over to them and Liam was amazed at how beautiful Demi looked. The girls greeted them and the boys greeted back. Demi noticed that Liam was staring at her and she remembered that he likes her.

"Liam, would you like to dance with me?" She asked.

He was a bit shocked, but quickly nodded with a grin. They both went to dance as their friends watch them.

"Aw, I want to dance with someone." Niall frowned.

"Y-You can dance with me." Tori stuttered.

Niall snapped his head to look at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry I shouldn't have asked. I-"

"It's ok." Niall chuckled, holding out his hand. "Are we gonna dance or what?"

Tori smiled and took his hand, leaving Louis all alone.

"Hey!" Louis shouted. "What about me?!"

Harry and Selena finally arrived at the school.

"Was it really necessary to come late?" Harry asked as they both got out of the car.

"Yes, because I'm always fashionably late." Selena said as they both walked towards the school entrance, holding hands.

Harry stopped when he saw his friend leaning against the brick wall with a cigarette between his fingers.

"Zayn, what are you doing out here?"

"Smoking, what else?" Zayn said in a duh tone.

"No shit." Harry rolled his eyes. "I mean why are you out here smoking when the fun is inside?"

"There's nothing fun about prom, I should've stayed home."

"Don't be such a downer. Tonight is suppose to be our night to remember before graduation."

"Well I sure as hell won't remember this night."

"Did something happened?"

"No. Just go have fun, you don't wanna keep your date waiting."

Harry looked at Selena who was frowning.

"Sorry babe." He said as he continued to enter the school with her.

An hour went by and prom was still going on. Everyone was having a good time, except for Zayn. He would've gone home, but he doesn't have a ride and Louis drove him here. He also didn't want to call his mom to pick him up because she's asleep by now. He didn't feel like walking far either. So he's just chilling in the bathroom stall, playing Marvel Puzzle Quest on his phone.

He heard someone entering the bathroom, not caring if they hear the sounds from his game. Then he heard a knock on his stall.

"This stall is occupied." Zayn said, still playing his game.


He looked up from his phone once he heard that familiar voice.

"Yeah?" Zayn responded.

"I was kinda looking for you."


"I want to talk to you."



"What about me?"

"This might sound crazy, but I can't stop thinking about you."

Zayn got up from the toilet and unlocked the stall, meeting a pair of brown eyes.

"What?" Zayn furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I know I'm taken, but I thought it would help me get you off of my mind. It didn't help at all, It makes me think about you even more. I just can't keep my feelings all bottled up inside anymore, because it's destroying me. I was really confused with myself, but I finally accepted the fact that I really like you...and I really like how your lips felt on mine."

Zayn backed up, almost tripping over the toilet.

"Justin, I'm straight..."

"Me too, but then you happened." Justin said as he got closer to him.

Zayn was speechless, he doesn't know what to say or do. He only see Justin as one of his mates, not something more. Especially because he doesn't swing that way.

Before he could think of something to say, all of his thoughts were cut off when he felt Justin's lips on his.

A/N: I bet you weren't expecting that haha I'm just gonna leave you off with a cliffhanger 😉

Stuck ✓ » Jariana/ZarianaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang