Chapter 16: My Heart Will Go On

Start from the beginning

"So, Balthazar un-sank a boat and now we got a boatload of people who should never have been born." Bobby says.
"Yeah, like 50,000." Sam says.
"Makes sense."
"How does any of this make sense?" I ask.
"Because I got an idea who we're up against."
"What?" Dean asks.
"Fate." Bobby says.
"You mean-"
"I mean Fate. Like the Fates. Or one of 'em, at least."
"You mean like Greek mythology? Like the sisters?" Sam asks.
"Nerd." Dean and I say.
"These ladies are responsible for how you go down, literally. So if you get creamed by a garage door or crunched by a copy machine, they're the ones who hammer out the details of how you die. Spin out your fate on a piece of pure gold."
"Gold thread." I say.
"And then one of them write it all down in her Day Runner of Death. It's high-level stuff. Anyway, fits. Now we know what Balthazar did. It seems to me that maybe Fate is just trying to clean up the mess."
"So how do we stop it?" Sam asks.
"How do we stop Fate? Good question." Bobby says.
"Well, there's gotta be a way." Dean says.
"Or there ain't. I mean, this is Fate we're talking about here. You know, the easiest wat would be to get that angel to re-sink the boat."
"No. No way. Forget it."
"Big difference between dying awful and never being born, Dean."
"We are not sinking the boat, Bobby. Okay? Don't even think about it"
"Well, okay. What's got your panties in a clench?" Bobby asks.
"Try that again?"
"It- Look, it- it doesn't even really matter, but..."
"Apparently, a crapload of dominoes get tipped over if the Titanic goes down. And, uh, bottom line - Ellen and Jo die."
"Okay, you three. Listen up. You make sure... Keep those angels from sinking that boat. Do you understand me?"
"Yeah." I say.
"Yes." Dean says.
"Yeah, Bobby, of course." Sam says the Bobby hangs up.
"Oh, he's bad enough with her. Think how he'd be if she was gone." I say.
"Yeah. So, what do we do? I mean, how do we save 50,000 people?" Sam asks.
"I got no freaking clue." Dean says.
"Yeah. We don't even know who they are."
"Well, we know one." Dean says as he pulls out a pamphlet for Shawn Russo.

Next day we drive back to Russo's office and wait for him to leave. We see him walk out of the building and start talking with a guy in a neck brace. As soon as he walks off we get out of the car and follow him.
"Mr. Russo!" Dean yells. "Shawn! Russo! Shawn! Russo, stop!" He finally stops and faces us right as he almost gets hit by a van. Russo falls and drops his phone. Sam helps him up and I grab his phone and hold it out for him.
"Get off of me. And you two. I told you to leave me alone, didn't I?"
"Look, we're just trying to help you out, okay?" I say.
"Help me?! You almost killed me, you lunatic. Give me that." He snatches the phone from my hand. "Unbelievable." He starts walking away from us and crossing the street.
"Russo! Hey!" Dean yells.
"Just be glad I'm not suing you a-" And he gets his by a bus. The bus stops right away.
"You've got to be kidding me." Dean says as we look at what's left of him. There's a huge blood stain on the street and on the back of the bus where there's an advertisement for Russo's law service. "Guys, check it out."
"What?" Sam asks.
"Too soon?" Dean asks pointing at the ad.
"Yeah. Dean. I'm pretty sure six seconds is too soon." I say.
"Hey. Hey, hey, hey. I think I saw her. Right over there." Sam says pointing at a building that looks like it's under construction."
"Her? Like Fate her?" Dean asks.
"What did she look like?" I ask.
"Kind of like a librarian."
"Your kind of librarian or my kind of librarian?" Dean asks.
"Well, she was wearing clothes, if that's what you mean."
"Alright." Dean says as he starts walking over there.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. We can't just walk over there." I say.
"We're not on the hit list. We have nothing to do with the boat. Let's go talk to her." Dean says.
"Talk." Sam says.
"Yeah, you know." Dean pulls his gun out enough for just me and Sam to see. "Talk. Worth a shot, right?"
We walk into the building which I can see now is or was a restaurant.
"Hello? Hello?" I ask.
"Hello?" Dean asks then his flashlight dies. "Oh come on."
"You got a lighter?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, okay." Dean pulls one out but it doesn't work.
"Is it out of juice or something?" I ask.
"It shouldn't be." The lighter finally sparks and when it does I feel heat and see orange and red gas coming towards us... and then suddenly we're not there anymore... "Cas!"
"Hey, thanks man. Where are we?" Sam asks.
"White Russia."
"What?!" I ask.
"Are you aware of what your frat bro did?" Dean asks.
"I'm aware. Balthazar can be impetuous." Cas says.
"Well, riddle me this, if Fate's going after the boat people, why'd she try to waste us?" I ask.
"Well, I imagine she harbors a certain degree of rage toward you."
"What did we do?" Sam asks.
"Nothing of import, just the tiny matter of averting the apocalypse and rendering her obsolete. I think maybe she's a little irritated about that. And then you go and dangle yourselves in front of her..."
"So we've pissed fate off personally." Dean says.
"If I know her, and I do, she won't stop until you're dead."
"Awesome. So what do we do?"
"Kill her.
"Kill fate?" I ask.
"Do you have another suggestion?" Cas asks.
"No, I'm -- I just mean, uh...Can you even do that?" Sam asks.
"Balthazar has a weapon that will work against her."
"Of course he does. Yeah. Boy, that guy's got it covered, doesn't he? You need new friends, Cas." Dean says.
"I'm trying to save the ones I have, Dean. We'll have to draw her out."
"Alright, well, uh, she's gunning for us. She's bound to surface again eventually." Sam says.
"We'll make it easy for her. I think you have an expression for it. 'Tempting fate'."
Cas zaps us back to Chester on a sidewalk.
"Okay, so, we're just gonna meet our fate at any time, right?" I ask.
"Yeah. Just walk. Act natural." Sam says. We start walking. A group of skateboarders go past us on a set of stairs.
"Okay." Dean says.
"That's fine." We keep going. A guy on a bicycle passes, then a man with two large barking dogs.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me." I say. We stop walking for a few seconds. There's a couple street performers that are juggling swords and hatchets.
"Alright, just... just keep walking." Sam says.
"Sam, they're juggling knives. And hatchets." Dean says.
"Yeah, I know." The jugglers switch to torches. "Can't avoid fate."
The three of us walk between the jugglers quickly, managing to get through safely.
Once we're on another sidewalk there's a guy with a nail gun that gets jammed and its pointed at us while he's trying to unjam it.
"Ah." Dean says. Nothing happens.
"Alright. I don't get it." Sam says.
"I don't either. Who do you gotta to kill to get killed around here?" I ask.
"Maybe Cas was wrong." Sam says as we stop walking.
"Look out!" A man yells. We look up and there's a giant air conditioner coming towards us.

I wake up in the impala with the two boys. 'My heart will go on' is playing on the radio.
"Dude, what time is it? I-I just had the weirdest dream." Sam says. We all get out of the car.
"20 bucks says mine was weirder. I am not kidding.
"I've got 30 bucks on mine. I-I mean, it was just... bizarre."
"Mine had the actual Titanic in it." Dean says. Sam and I just stare at him. "What? Something on my face?"
"Did it...uh, not sink, because Balthazar-"
"Had a hate on for Billy Zane? Why are you two having my dreams?" I say.
"Wasn't a dream." Cas says as he appears.
"Wait, what? You're saying this actually happened? That... the whole... Whatever, that was real?" Dean asks.
"Wait, so what happened?" Sam asks.
"Well, I insisted he go back in time and correct what he'd done."
"What? Why?"
"It was the only way to be sure you were safe." Cas says.
"So... So, you killed... 50,000 people for us." I say.
"No, I didn't. They were never born. That's far different from being killed, wouldn't you say?"
"Ellen and Jo?" Dean asks.
"I'm sorry."
"Hold on. Uh... so, if you guys went and changed everything back, then that whole timeline or whatever, it just got erased?" I ask.
"Yeah. More or less."
"Well, then, how come we remember it?" Dean asks.
"Because I wanted you to remember it."
"Why?" Sam asks.
"I wanted you to know who Fate really is. She's cruel and capricious."
"I'd go as far as 'bitch'." Dean says.
"Well, yeah. You're the ones who taught me that you can make your own destiny. You don't have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom. I still believe that that's something worth fighting for. I just wanted you to understand that."
"So, wait. Did... Balthazar really, uh, unravel the sweater over a chick flick?" I ask.
"Yes. Absolutely. That's what he did."
"Wow. Well, might be time to take away his cable privileges. Besides, 'Titanic' didn't suck that bad." Dean says. Sam and I just kinda give him a look. "Winslet's rack."
I notice Cas giving me a weird look before he disappears. What was that for?
"I'll tell you one thing about Cas, he does not appreciate the finer things." Dean says. We head inside. Bobby is sleeping on the couch.
"I guess things are back to normal, huh?" I say.
"'Normal'. Awesome." Dean says.
"Poor bastard. Doesn't even know how good he had it." Sam says.
"Yeah, well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I say we keep our mouths shut."
"Yeah. I'm with you. Should we wake him?"
"Nah. That's probably the best he's felt all week." I say and then go to cover him with a blanket.

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