The test

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training ground 7
Naruto's pov

Today was another boring day. At least I have Kurama kun!! Anywho! Today Kakashi, surprisingly, came just in time!! That a relief, I thought I needed to 'persuade' him to come early. Hehe, I'm evil!

'yes you are kit, yes you are..', 'SHUT UP!!!' 'and dance with me!!' OK, that it!!

3rd pov

After a little mock from Kurama, our little devil lost it!! Chasing the fox around town, I just hope Konoha will still stand in a couple of years...

As Naruto FINALLY calm down, though he needed to beat up Kurama a couple of times, the newly made team 7 could finally start with the test, much to Kakashi's displeasure. (he knows what's gonna happen to him, especially with an Uzumaki in the team)

Kakashi's pov

Why oh why?? Did the Hokage asked us to do this test?? God, if I die, I will need all my Icha Icha Paradise book with me. Good bye beautiful world!! Anyway, "OK team, today we will be doing our test!" I announced getting their attention, well at least half of it, because they're still glancing at poor Kurama's smoking body. "but sensei!!!!! I thought were already Genins!!??? Why, do we need the test!!!" the pink haired annoying fangirl asked, wait what was her name again?? God she's so annoying I forgot her name! Sakuka? Sakuri?? Sakura? Yeah Sakura. "well sakura, that test was to straw out the weak. This one is to find out who will be Genin. There's only a 60% chance on you passing so pray hard. Your objective " I pulled out 2 silver bells "is to get these from me! And Kurama please don't help Naruto. I'm already gonna die without you, helping him will just add to my pain " I added as Kurama pouted and went all depress at the corner growing mushrooms. (if any of you know the reference of this I will be soooo happy!!) "OK go!" I shouted knowing full well of my inescapable doom.

Naruto's pov

Hm... Sakura would probably try to get Sasuke to go with her, and fail. While prince duck butt will probably be going solo, on a high class jounin.... Yeah that's stupid. So I will do the best thing possible! Follow his lead and go solo after him! 'your an idiot!' 'shut the fuck up Kurama!' '....' *sigh* but of course I would as some interesting twist to it! Hehe, I'll teach that mut to not be late ever again!!

Sakura's pov

Kyaaaaaaa being in one team with Sasuke kun!! Its a dream come true!! All I need is to find him and he and I will officially be in a team with my beloved!! "SASUKE KUN!!!" I called once more. Then I saw my beloved come out of a tree, coming closer to me. "sakura, I never have noticed how beautiful you are up close" he said!! Kyaaaaaaa " now with no more nuisances with us we could finally be together, forever." Kyaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Kakashi's pov

I sweat dropped as I saw Sakura faints, "note to self, teach sakura how to different real life, and fantasy ".

After my work on sakura I heard rustless behind me. " ahh, so I found you, Sasuke kun!" I said as Sasuke climbed out of a bush. "fire style: Great fire ball" he said as a giant fire ball came flying at me. I must say, for a genin its quite impressive, but I don't think I would like to be beat up by Naru for being easy. As I replaced my self with a substitution, I used dear jutsu of mine to go right under him. "above? Sides? Back? Where the hell is he?!?!" well that's my que "how about below?" I said coolly as I dragged him underground, while I got out.
*sigh* now its only the monster him self.

Dear kami, please let me live long enough to see another day, I will never be late ever again.

3rd pov

As Kakashi wonder deeper into the training ground, Naruto was at the center of it, marked by a huge tree, waiting for his next prey ahem! I mean sensei ,to come. As Kakashi was finally at the clearing Naruto appeared, much to Kakashi's horrid. "welcome sensei! Let me enlighten you, with pleasure as we dance today, or atleast, I will have pleasure in this." Naruto said, an eerily sweet smile planted on his face, sending shivers though Kakashi's body.

Naruto they pulled out a white with golden seals violin from a storage seal hidden behind his arm. Then He started playing the violin with beautiful notes coming out with every move he made, or atleast for him. For Kakashi it was hell as with every note the red head made, a fox like chakra was summoned and attacked him. Dodging all of them skillfully, but when he was about to attack one the only thing that happen is that his fist went through the fox. "what the?!" "sorry sensei, but whatever happens those fox are still pure chakra. So please do not try and just give me the bells." Naruto said while still playing his violin, smirking. "well then! I would have to attack the source!!" Kakashi yelled while running to Naruto with a kunai 'I need to destroy that violin!!'. but just before he was to get to Naruto two hands grabbed into his, giving Naruto time to jump to a near by tree. Just when Naruto was about play his violin again an annoying noise of an alarm rang. "times up!"

Naruto and a relieved Kakashi is now walking to the center where, somehow, Sasuke and Sakura was tied to the two out of three stumps. "heyyy!!!! Let us out!!!! You can't tie up Sasuke kun!!!!!!" a now pissed of Sakura shrieked, making every ear in the radius bleed. "*sigh* sorry Sakura, but as your upper class I'm pretty sure I have the right to do as I please. After all it is the Shinobi rule number -" "who the Fuck cares about rules!! My mother is a counselor!!! I will change the rule!!!"

"correction! Your mother, Haruno san, is in the civilian Council, the Shinobi rules is made by the Hokage and Shinobi council. Heck!! I think the mut has a higher status shinobi wise. So it'll be good if you, would stop complaining " a deep, maybe almost demonic voice, came up from behind the bushes. As a certain demon came out from his hiding place, our Uzumaki instantly tackled him back to the bushes. "awwwww I missed you to kit!" "shut up! And I don't miss you!!!! " "how mean" Kurama pouted before going back to his serious self "anyways Hatake, I would say that everyone passed for this test." Kakashi looked shock at this, well that is until a jingle from an all familiar set of bell rang in his ears. "I got the bells, and before you say anything, I will give this to Sakura and Sasuke!" Naruto did with a clear smirk on his face

" huh! Bitch please!! I don't need this bell!! I will earn it to defeat my brother!!" Sasuke said throwing the bell back. And the little banshee? Well she just throw the bell back and (scream) said that she must always stay loyal to Sasuke kun, bla bla bla, etc etc. "OK then... You pass!!! Meet up in a week at the bridge!! Train and don't be lazy!!!!" the copy cat (pervert) Exclaimed doing his normal eyes smile, and then disappearing, typical! The others follow suit, leaving our favorite couple alone. "hey, mate, what'd you say we celebrate with a little game of se-" kyuubi tried saying, but was cut of by a simple punch to the face. "NO!! SHUT UP YOU PERVERT!!!"

this will be one long week of molesting.

"wait what?!"

Nothing Naru chan nothing.

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