"I don't like it either to be honest." He makes a disgusted face and I copy his as I remember some bad moments I had with couples in public.

We look at each other for a few seconds, no one saying anything, just enjoying each other's presence. I close my eyes for a split second and take a deep breath.

"Are you tired?" his voice makes me open my eyes.

In that moment a yawn escapes me and my eyes become glassy. He chuckles as he says "Come on" and next thing I know, were walking back home. Sleepiness and tiredness overcomes me as I shift my weight on his body as I lean my head on his shoulder.

I can feel his chest vibrating as he whispers.

"Just a little more, love." His warm and minty breath hits my face and I find myself being calmed. I hum in response and find it hard to walk. It's like I'm half asleep, half awake.

"Harry, I can't walk."

"That's what she said."

I look up to him, only to see him with a cheeky grin plastered on his face. I realize what I said and start laughing uncontrollably. My giggles cannot be stopped and after a while Harry starts laughing too.

We may seem like some crazy people laughing loudly in the middle of the street at midnight, but at the same time I don't care what we look like. The only thing that matters to me is Harry. The way he shuts his eyes and rubs his tummy and actually has to stop walking from laughing that much. The way the stars seem to not shine, because his eyes illuminate the moonlight and outshine even the fucking stars. The way his hair is so messy, but suits him so perfectly and I want to run my fingers through it every time he's stressed, because I know it calms him. The way his dimples pop out, but only when his smile is genuine. The way he has crinkles around his eyes whenever he giggles and the beautiful sound of his laugh. The way he can make me smile just by telling me a stupid knock knock joke. The way he prepared this amazing date for me, even though we could've just stayed home and watched movies and I'd still think it's an amazing date, because it's him who I will be with. The way his scent calms me down and the way his words make a little more sense, because I know they're honest and they're coming from him.

Just the way his being makes mine a lot better, because he chose to spend a little time of his existing with me.

"Enna.. Enna, are you here?" he snaps his fingers in front of my face as I shake my thoughts.

"Are you okay? You were staring at me for like five minutes." He chuckles.

"Yea, im okay, just zoned out for a bit." I shrug it off with a smile and carry on walking with Harry by my side.

We arrive at my house and I turn to him. I press my lips in a thin line.

"I had a great time tonight, Harry. Thank you." I finish off with a smile that causes one of his to spread out on his pretty face.

"No, thank you for coming along."

"So, I'm gonna go now, so goodnight Harry." I stand up on my tiptoes and leave a soft kiss on his cheek. I was about to turn around but he grabs my wrist and turned me towards him.

He kisses me slowly on the lips and I waste no time to respond. He disconnects our lips and I find myself craving his mouth on mine.

He quietly-says-almost-whispers a goodnight, smiles and then walks backwards with his front towards me, holding eye contact.

I smile as I see his back come in sight and go inside.

I pull the covers to my chin and scenes from tonight replay in my head. I slowly close my eyes as sleep takes over my senses. His taste lingers on my lips and I swear I can smell his cologne, even though he's not here. Where he should be. Next to me. I open my eyes and sit up. It's around one o'clock in the morning. I was tired two seconds ago, why can't I sleep.

I grab my phone and send a quick text to Harry. I hope to not have him wake up and when that thought comes into my mind, guilt overtakes me. He was probably asleep Elena and now you had to go and wake him up. You're so stupid.

I notice my phone lightening up, which means I have a new text.

Me: Cant sleep L

Harry: Me neither L

Me: come over?

Harry: thought you'd never ask. Be there in 10. love H.

I sigh in relief and smile to myself. We literally saw each other 30 minutes ago. I decide to not move, because im too tired for that. My room is messy, but I don't really c are. Its just Harry. But at the same time its Harry. Oh, screw it. If he likes me, he's gonna like messy me.

I lay in bed for a couple more minutes, when I hear someone coming through my window. (I always keep it open during summer nights, its very warm.) I know his footsteps far too well, to doubt they're someone else's.

He kicks off his shoes, gets rid of his jeans and shirt and lays beside me. I turn my body so I'm facing him and wrap my hands around his. He does the same thing and we both sigh deeply. I press my face against his chest as I listen to his heartbeat. I can actually scent his cologne mixed with his minty breath now, and it's not my imagination.

I close my eyes as he kisses my hair and we whisper goodnight.

At that moment, laying in his arms, falling asleep to his heartbeat, knowing that he will be there the next morning, I knew that I was at home.

He felt like home.

And that meant only one thing.

I'm in love with the beautiful boy named Harry.

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