We didn't do much after that as it was getting colder by the minute and our small bonfire was barely warming us. That is why we decided it would be best to take this little party inside and start wrapping things up as it was getting late as well. We put out the fire and carried all of the stuff inside. Saskia and Sven decided to watch a movie while Isabella went to sleep early. That left Rosen and me all alone, trying to figure out what to do next as we weren't in the mood to watch the movie with Saskia and Sven.

We ended up going upstairs to our bedroom and decided to just talk about things and not do anything special. Rosen was quiet most of the time and occasionally nodded his head at what I was saying. He seemed to be in a typical mood of his–very quiet and not social at all. In the end we decided to open up my laptop, which I had brought along with me, and watch some TV series as we were feeling quite bored at some point.

"You wanna watch Gossip Girl?" I ask as I open up Netflix.

"Hell yeah I want to," Rosen chuckles. "Honestly, Blair Waldorf is such an amazing character, I'm seriously in love with her."

"Same," I agree. "She's just so amazing."

"Yeah, I don't like Serena at all."

"Why not?" I ask, chuckling.

"I don't even know, I'm all about Blair."

We open up a random episode from season four and start watching. Both of us are lying on the bed, the laptop placed in between us as we snack on some food and occasionally sip our drinks. Midway through the episode, Rosen's phone starts ringing in his pocket and he takes it out.

I see a name 'Dr. Blakely' flash on the screen and my curiosity grows within seconds. Why is a doctor calling Rosen? Is someone in his family a doctor? But why would he put his mom or dad's name as doctor? Blakely isn't even his last name so that can't be possible.

"Sorry, but I have to take this call, it's kind of important." He pushes himself off the bed and walks to the window before placing the phone against his ear. "Hello, is everything okay?"

I hear a female voice mumbling on the other end but I can't make out a single word.

"Why do you need to do that? Hasn't she gone through enough pain already?"

Who is this 'she' Rosen is talking about?

Rosen sighs, running a hand through his hair, "Yes, I know it's necessary. Can't you do anything else? You deal with these situations on a daily basis."

What situation? What is he talking about?

I notice how Rosen looks very frustrated, almost as if he's going to cry any second now. It pains me to see him like this to be honest.

"I know it's stage four," he sighs. "Just do whatever you have to do. Call me back as soon as possible."

Rosen ends the call and throws his phone on the bed. It lands right next to me. I look back at Rosen who slides down against the wall and places his head on top of his knees, pulling on his hair tightly. A quiet whimper escapes past Rosen's lips as I feel a shot of pain going through my chest from seeing him in a situation like this.

Whoever this girl is, must be really special to Rosen.

Slowly, I push myself off the bed and carefully take steps closer to Rosen. I kneel down next to him and place a hand on his shoulder. His body tenses immediately and he looks up at me, his eyes bloodshot and watery.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

Rosen slowly shakes his head. He suddenly grabs onto me and pulls me tightly against his body, my legs awkwardly placed on his lap as he holds me, his fingers leaving indents on my bare shoulders. Placing his head in the crook of my neck, he starts sobbing once more, showing me just how broken he is on the inside and how he's barely keeping himself together.

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