Norm squeezed her, feigning the threat of a headlock. "Seventeen year olds deserve smiley face pancakes, too."

"That they do," agreed Danielle with a nod and a laugh. "Or they end up smoking weed and drawing smiley faces on everything else."

The Colonel chuckled, still keeping Danielle close. He'd been away training for two months in Nevada and had only just been able to come home to see his family.

The end of May had brought out all the shorts and tank tops of the east coast, and Winchester was no exception. All the residents of the fair were sweating, forcing themselves through the heat in the most minimal amount of clothing possible.

"One please," Norm requested as they reached one of the vividly painted food stalls, starting to remove his wallet.

"On the house," the cook quickly said in objection with a kind smile.

Norm shook the hand of Rafi, a well known friend of the father-daughter duo that always ate funnel cakes when they could find them. He dropped a ten into the tip jar before being handed a criss cross cake folded in paper. "Thanks so much, Raf."

"Anytime, man," he replied happily, fist bumping Danielle before the two took off.

Danielle picked off bits of the funnel cake, her charm bracelet twinkling absently. "When's Mom getting here?"

"Should be right before the team and I go up," Norm said with half a mouth of funnel cake. "I told her when the show starts so she should be here unless she gets called back to the hospital."

"What's she gonna be in for?" questioned Dani sneakily, trying to figure out what tricks the show would consist of.

The colonel's mouth opened, hesitating before looking over to his daughter with narrowed eyes. "I know what you're doing, missy, and you're just going to have to wait like everyone else."

Danielle groaned, "Booo."

"You're not a ghost, Elle." Norm pinched her cheek with his free hand, leaving a tiny white patch of powdered sugar. "You're a lady. A little one, but one no less."

"I'll keep booing until you stop saying that," Dani opposed with half a laugh.

"And I'll keep saying it until you stop booing," Norm quickly retorted with a cocky grin. He checked his watch, seeing a few members of his team heading towards the air strip. "I've gotta dash, sweetheart." He handed over the rest of the funnel cake, kissing Danielle on the forehead. "You're gonna watch, right?"

"Absolutely," Dani said, catching the wrapped funnel cake. "Wouldn't miss it."

"That's my girl." Norm started to back up, his eyes still on Dani. "Love you."

Danielle stayed where she was, smiling as her father put on his aviators. "Love you more."

Norm turned over his shoulder, jogging off towards the rest of the Thunderbirds.

The dark haired girl walked towards the gating, a couple of news reporters around briefly mentioning her name as they captured footage of the fair grounds. She absently ate bits of her funnel cake, taking out her phone and snapping a picture of her father as he climbed into his fighter jet and put on his red helmet.

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