Chapter Twelve

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Bree and I finally hauled ourselves of my bed when the doorbell rang. Eli was back at LSU since classes started in a week for him. We still had three weeks of summer left. My heart stuttered a little at the thought of school. I had a lot to get used to in a short amount of time. I pushed it out of my mind. For now. Tom was at work and Mom was on a grocery run so Bree and I hurried to get the door.

Bree peeked out the window and squealed quietly. She whispered,

"It's Tony." My heart sped up to full speed and I clumsily reached for handle Bree, being my guardian angel of a friend, directed my hand. The door creaked open and Tony's voice reached my ear,

"Nice shades." It said. I had forgotten that I was still wearing the very bedazzled rockstar glasses. I flipped my hair dramatically and flashed what I hoped to be a dazzling superstar smile and said,

"Jealous?" He pulled me into a hug and replied,

"Extremely." He paused, stepped away for a moment and then said, "and you're walking!" I smiled proudly and said,

"Come on in." I heard an extra set of footsteps as Bree said,

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! No strangers in the house!" I turned back toward bree and imagined that she was pushing the stranger back out the door. He quickly said,

"Sorry. I'm Will." He had a deep and unfamiliar voice. Tony then stepped in to rescue Will and said,

"Bree, It's okay. Will's my brother."

Bree said, "Oh," and introduced herself. I stuck my hand out as well and as he took it I said,

"Nice to meet you. I'm Erin."

"Tony's told me a lot about you," said Will, and I felt a blush work its way to my cheeks.

Tony brushed my cheek and said, "We can't stay for long but I wanted you to meet him." I smiled and said,

"Yeah. I'm glad you brought him! But I still want to meet your sister sometime. How's she doing?" There was a short tension-filled silence that followed my question. Will said shortley,

"Tori's doing good." There was another awkward silence and I said quietly, and slightly embarrassed,

"Oh...that's good." Bree, trying to ease the tension, said cheerfully,

"Do you guys want a cookie? We backed them ourselves!"

"A cookie would be great!" Tony said, clearly thankful for the subject change. I could hear the smile in his voice and I started to feel a little better about the situation. Bree returned from the kitched and said,

"I threw some extras in a baggy for Tori too!" My heart swelled as, for the thousandth time, I realized how truely kind my bestfriend was. I turned back to Tony and Will and asked,

"Can you sit for a while?" I gestured toward the living room.

Will stepped in and said,

"We'd love to but we really should be getting home. But you and Tony will have plenty of time to...sit...tomorrow night on your date." I could almost see him wiggling his eyebrows playfully. I blushed and turned my head toward the floor as Tony said,

"Thanks Will." His voice, dripping with sarcasm.

"Any time lil bro." I laughed at their brotherly exchange. Tony hugged me and said, jokingly,

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6. Are you going to be okay without me?" Will, getting a bit impatient at the flirting said,

"She'll be fine." What did he say? "See you later you two." Bree said a friendly good-bye as the door opened and closed again. I barely heard Bree say,

"So I know you didn't see him, but DANG! Will is hot!" I didn't respond and Bree asked, concerned, "Are you okay?" I felt dizzy and I started to lose my balance. I stumbled sideways, groping for something to catch my balance. I slammed into the end table near the couch knocking it over. Bree grasped my arm, clearly alarmed. She got me down on the ground, holding my shoulder. "ERIN! What's going on!?" She screamed in my face.

"Oh god." I said. My heart pounded as it ran over and over in my head. She'll be fine. Suddenly Will's voice was more familiar than I would care to admit. She'll be fine. She'll be fine. I knot formed in my throat and I realized tears were streaming down my face. She'll be fine. Last time I'd heard that I was on the ground after a car accident, blinded by the impact to my head. The hands on my head, the voice, two people leaving me on the ground, in a pool of blood.

"Oh. My. God." I fainted, needing to escape the nightmare that had become reality. She'll be fine.


Note from Abby: I hope this chapter was as intense as I meant it to be! It might not be the best but I just sorta let the words flow. Besides, I wanted to get another chapter uploaded while I have time. I hope you enjoy. If things haven't fallen into place yet, hopefully they will soon. Feedback and votes are much appreciated! Thanks for reading!

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