Chapter Eight

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I woke up sweating like crazy. My heart was pounding although the machine had been removed at my request. I scooted into my wheelchair and I rolled it to the opposite side of the room.  I felt along the wall until I found the entrance to the bathroom. I closed the door and turned on the faucet to cold. I splashed my face with the cool, refreshing water. For a while, I sat taking deep breaths, trying to collect my thoughts.

Why had they just left? Left me sitting on the road, bloody and unconsious. I couldn't get that hysterical voice out of my head. She'll be fine. I was blind. Is that what they call fine? The police still had no idea who it had been or what had been the cause of the accident. I guess I could tell them that it had been two people. One had been a male for sure. I thought back to the dream think about the other person's hands on my face. They had been gentle but they had felt like they belonged to a male. I suppose I could tell the police that I thought it had been two men.

I was starting to get overwhelmed. I rolled the wheelchair back to the hospital bed as quietly as I could. The hospital had provided cots for Tom and my mom to sleep on if they wanted to and they were taking turns sleeping here. Tonight Tom was here. I hoisted myself back into bed and tried to fall asleep. The nightmare/memory kept running through my head. I wanted to find these people who had done this to me. I didn't wanted revenge as much as I wanted answers. Why had they left me on the asphalt after the accident? None of it made sense. I told myself that I would talk to Tony about it in the morning.


"So what do you think?" I asked Tony. I had recounted the whole dream to him. He was quiet for a moment and then he said,

"Maybe there was a reason that it all happened." That was not the response I was expecting. I asked him,

"A reason why they left? A reason why I'm blind?" I wasn't trying to sound angry but it sort of came out that way. Tony said,

"Well..I'm not sure why they would have left and I'm definitely not happy that you're blind. But if you hadn't been in that accident I probably never would have met up with you again." He paused and said quietly, "and I'm really glad that we met again." I was so happy that the beeping machine wasn't there to give me away again because it would have been very embarrassing at that moment. Time seemed to slow down and, against my better judgement I said,

"I'm glad too." I felt his thumb trace a circle on my cheek. Something changed between us and it scared me. I tensed and pulled back a little bit. Tony's thumb froze on my cheek as he felt my protective walls go up again. He said, in a barely audible whisper,

"I won't hurt you Erin." Then his lips were on mine. My walls all came tumbling down and my blood caught fire. I closed my sightless eyes and it was like I could see again. My hand rested on his smooth cheek and his palm warmed the back of my neck. We pulled apart, not saying anything. Our foreheads were touching and soon I let out a small chuckle. I could tell he was smiling by the tension I felt in his cheek and he said, "I have been waiting for that since first grade." That made me laugh and I said,

"I think I might have been too." We sat side-by-side in that small hospital room, hands intertwined. I  had finally listened to my heart, and I didn't regret it one bit.

Note from Abby: Just finished writing Chapter Twelve! I'm so excited! Now I just need to keep uploading!! It looks like Truthful Beating Heart will end around Chapter Fifteen...? Thanks for reading. Vote/ know the drill(:

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