Chapter 3 Hide And Seek

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Danny ran up to the gate. "No,no,no,this can't be happening!",cried Danny loudly. "There you are" said a shadow covered figure. "What do you want from me?"cried Danny. "I wanna play hide and seek" said the shadow. "If you last untill sundown then you win,but if I find you I will kill you...". Danny was speechless. He didn't know what would happen if he said no. Would they kill him? Or would it be worse? "The game starts now"
Yelled the shadow. Then it started counting. Danny turned and ran. He didn't know what to do, so he just ran.And he ran from the shadow untill an hour before suset. "I can't keep running, I have to fight back"thought a tired Danny. Danny decided to think of a plan. Suddenly, the shadow was behind Danny. He knew what that ment, he was going to die.
Danny turned and ran, but the shadow gave chase. Danny turned to look at the shadow. At the same time he h hit his head on a branch. In his last seconds of consciousness he thought he saw a woman dressed in black.

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