I laughed and my dad continued on, "Anyway, all of what you said may be true, but that doesn't mean all boys are like that or that you'll be as lucky as your mother." My mother let out a loud laugh when he said she was lucky. He shot a dirty look towards the kitchen where my mother was washing dishes. I got up and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek. "You're right, love you." With that, I left before he could continue on.


I arrived at Anna's house five minutes late. All the girls were standing outside waiting as I pulled into the driveway. I got out of the car and immediately all the girls started harping on me. "Do we need to buy you a watch for your birthday?" Anna said and shook her head. "Picking out an outfit takes time! Before I knew it, it was already 7:20." I said with a pout. Everyone eyed my outfit and gave a nodded of approval. "Besides I was only five minutes late, that's a huge improvement," I said with a smile. "Alright, you're forgiven. Only because you outfit looks adorable." Taylor said and reached out to touch my dress, which was white and tight at the waist and fell just above the knee.

"Thank-you, you guys all look beautiful as well. We better go now, though, otherwise, the boys will be complaining about having to wait on us." I said and walked over to Liz's car.

We arrived at the carnival and spent thirty minutes looking for a parking spot. "Stupid tourists. I don't care if they bring this town money, they clog up the whole town." Liz huffed out as we walked up to get our tickets. Two tourist passing by overheard her and gave her the stink eye. "Oh bite me," Liz said and stocked off towards the ticket booth.

"We shouldn't let her drive during the summer season anymore it makes her crabby," Natasha said, yet again catching me off guard. It seemed like she was really beginning to come out of her shell. "I will catch up with you guys later?" Natasha said as she walked over to where her other friend group stood and just like that she was back in her shell. I was glad she hadn't completely ditched her friends for a guy, it showed she was a good friend. Although Brayden had told me that you can't say much for her friends, apparently they didn't treat her with the same respect or Brayden for that matter.

"Where are the boys?" I asked realizing they weren't waiting at the entrance when we arrived. "Oh, I was so distracted by Liz's rant I didn't even realize," Anna said. She stopped and pulled out her phone, which I assume was to call one of the boys. Once she was off she began walking towards the food stands. I shook my head, of course, they couldn't wait for us to get food.

We walked up over to where the picnic tables were set up for people to eat. The boys came into view and were stuffing their faces with an assortment of food. They were so distracted they barely looked up from their food when we arrived. "Are you guys having a feast?" I asked and waved my hand around the assortment of food. "Yeah seriously, you would think you've been fasting for a month," Taylor said as she sat down beside Spencer. They grumbled out responses and continued eating. I looked around and realized Brayden and Nate weren't at the table. "Where's Brayden and Nate?"I asked. "Over with Natasha's friends, something about introducing him," Spencer said in between chews. Taylor gave him a disgusted look as pieces of food fell out of his mouth.

I tried to seem unaffected by the fact Brayden was introducing Nate to a group of girls, some of which were beyond gorgeous. I didn't understand why I was even affected, we just met, but I thought he felt something too, maybe I was wrong. The girls seem to barely acknowledge what Spencer had said, probably because they were busy with the other guys in the group. I began to really notice how our group of friends had suddenly turned into a group of couples, minus the fact that I had no guy. I never realized this until now. I mean no one was really dating except for Natasha and Brayden, but there was still this couple feeling. Suddenly, I felt like it was going to swallow me up, I quickly stood mumbling a half-hearted explanation to where I was going. I got up from the picnic table and crashed right into someone's chest. I back away to apologize and looked up to see Nate smirking down at me.

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